Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 14, Number 1, 1 Ianuali 1997 — Page 15 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Ka nuhou mai Alu Like News from Alu Like
Entrepreneurship Training Program for Hawaiian businesses
For Hawaiians interested in starting up or expanding a bu$ines$, the Aiu Like Business Development Center's Entrepreneurship Training classes provides an overview of the entire
spectrurr\ of entrepreneurship, business attitudes, marketing, organization, financial management, business planning, and ongoing management.
Iah. 7 - PU. 13 Honolulu ETP seven-week course. Week nights Iah. 11 - Fel. 1 5 Hiio ETP six-week core course Saturdays. F«(. 15 - "How to Raise Money for Your Business," Honolulu One-day workshop Saturday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Pel. 55 - Ap*. 1t Honoluiu ETP seven-week course week nights pa. 55 - Ap*. 1t Honolulu ETP seven-week core course week nights 1 - Af>. 5 Maui ETP six-week course Saturdays 5 - 1t Punalu'u ETP six-week course Saturdays Space is limited. To receive further information and applications eali: O'ahu 524-1225; Maui 242-9774; Hawai'i 961-2625; Kaua'i 245-8545.
CLASSIFSED& i RADE-BUY«SU.| V** Charity begins at home! Set-up your own charitable foundation. Have you established your family trust? E.P.S. ine. (800) 888-8870. Free consultation. 356 Kuhio Hwy., Kapa'a, Hl 96746.
Learn to grow taro, sweet potato, and other Hawaiian crops. For books on these crops, eall 533-0391, 734-0561 (fax), manrique@lava.net (email). Travel 'Pono'i - Plus Personal services. In making your Trips A Special One. We specialize in Tour & Air — Ticketing. (Call-941 -8448) Huaka'i Hele.
0*(y $f5.5r/ EeneA Strltt HawaHah Aoh fefoUf. Up to 24 words. (No artwork) Classified ads must be prepaid. Fill out the form, and send with your eheek made payable to: Office of Hawaiian Affairs. Mail to: Ka Wai Ola O OHA Classifieds, 71 1 Kapi'olani Blvd., Suite 500, Honolulu, Hl 96813. your name address town zip phone CLASSiFIEDS*CLASSlF!EDS«CLASSFlEDS»BUY«SELL*T RADE*BUY«SELL»TRADE*BUY»CLASS1FIEDS»CLASSIIEDS»CLASSIF1EDS»BUY»SELL*TRADE»BUY»SELL»TRAD