Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 14, Number 1, 1 January 1997 — ʻIANUALI Calendar of Events [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
ʻIANUALI Calendar of Events
Jah. 5 - Queen Emma's birthday, born 1836. She founded Queen's Hospital in 1 859. Jah. 5- Ho'ohali'a Treasured Memories Works by Hinano & Ke'alaonaonapuahinano. 1-3 p.m. Ends Sunday, February 9 at Noon. The Queen's Medical Center Main Lobby, Queen Emma Gallery, 1301 Punchbowl Street, Honolulu, Hl 96813. Phone 538-9011 Fax 547-4646. Iah. 11 - Na Pua No'eau - Super Enrichment Saturday for grades K-1 at UH Hilo. For more information eall David Sing at (808) 933-3681 . Iah. 11 - Honoluiu Theatre For Youth Auditions Young At Art on Saturday, from 10 a.m. to noon and 3 p.m. to
5 p.m. at Honolulu Theatre for Youth office (2846 Ualena Street). Jah. 1 $ - 'Ahahui 'Olelo Hawai'i - New Hawaiian Language Classes, beginners * and advanced, starting Jan. 13th, at various Honolulu locations, for 10 weeks.
$80 for 40 instructional hours. Phone 'Ahahui 'Ōlelo Hawai'i at 528-5453 for information. !ah. m - After Dark In The Park, "Dr. Maggot and Mr. Worm: Techniques in Forensic Entomology," Tues. at 7 p.m. Kilauea Visitor Center Auditorium. Sponsored by Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park and Hawai'i Natural History Association. For lnformation eall 967-7184. 7ah. 1 7 - Nā Pua No'eau - Super High Day for grades 9-12 at UH Hilo. For more information eall David Sing at 933-3681 . Iah. >1 - After Dark In The Park "The Key to the Future is Looking to the Past: Generating Geological Maps," Tues. at 7p.m., Kilauea Visitor Center Auditorium. Sponsored by Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park and Hawai'i Natural History Assn. For lnformation eall 967-7184. Iah. 55 - Nā Pua No'eau - Super Enrichment Saturday for grades K-1 at UH Hilo. For more information eall David Sing at 933-3681 . Iah. 55 - Hawai'iloa - Visitors to Bishop Museum through May ean explore the first Polynesian voyaging eanoe built in this century of mainly traditional materials. The 57-foot, 17,725-pound Hawai'iloa eanoe will be on display on the Museum's Great Lawn at Bishop Museum. During "Treasures," the museum is open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. For information, eall 847-3511. Iah. 56 - A i'i Sunday at Kawaiaha'o Church. King William Lunalilo was born on Jan. 31 , 1835. He was the first elected king (Dec. 1 1 , 1872.) For information eall 523-6310. Iah. 5? - After Dark In The Park "Cancer Cures Under Our Feet?" Tues., at 7 p.m. Kilauea Visitor Center Auditorium. Sponsored by Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park and Hawai'i Natural History Association. For lnformation eall 967-7184. pa. 11 - The Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame 2nd Annual Concert Tues. at 7:30 p.m. at the Hawai'i Theater in Honolulu. The program, "Memories of the Kahauanu Lake Trio and Maiki's Dancers," features Mahi Beamer, Robert Cazimero, Bill Ka'iwa, Nina Keali'iwahamana, Genoa Keawe, "Kuliaikanu'u" with Walter Kawaiaea, Jr., Miehael McCrary, Art Akina, the Pualeilani Concert Group and Emma Veary. Tickets are $39.50 and $25 on sale only at the Hawai'i Theater Box Office. Call 528-0506. "Memories" is produced and presented by The Kahauanu Lake Trio Corporation to benefit The Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame and Museum.