Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 1996 — Page 19 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

KEKEMAPA Calendar of events

limited and will be issued on a first eome, first served basis. (Children under 5 not permitted on the tour.) For more information eall 522-0827.

Pee. 31 — Ali'i Sunday: Queen Kapi'olani's Birthday. Kapi'olani was the wife of King Kalākaua. She traveled across the United States to England with Lili'uokalani to attend Queen Victoria's Jubilee, in 1887. For information on Ali'i Sunday at Kawaiha'o Church eall 523-6310 or 455-7092. 7ahu ĀJy 5 — 161st anniversary of Queen Emma Na'ea Rooke Members of the Queen Emma Hawaiian Civic Club will host a ho'okupu in honor of Kaleleonalani on Thursday, at 8:30 a.m. at Mauna 'Ala, The Royal Mausoleum. Please eall in your name to Casina Waterman at 373-4190 if planning to attend-

IA*TRADE*lSU%|£&L*TItWE*BIIY*€LASSmi!DS«C LASSITLI^«ljPlFIKDS-Bi:T«SKLL«TOAI>E«BLY* * ii Lose inches while you sleep! Rural housing home loan buy. | \f ^Ve Build muscle! Burn fat! Com- Zero down. 30-Year fixed y pletely safe and effective! Call 7.5%/7.8% APR. Call the \ today! 1-800-484-9899 ext. Pathfinder. Ron Li (808) 526Q 1911 or (808) 885-2192. Will 2914 (with voicemail). North fax or mail! Amehean Mortgage Co. (R) New FHA203K home improve- Leam to grow taro, sweet pota- Please kokua. Andy Berard ment loan for HHL. Refinance to, and other Hawaiian crops. needs to replace 81 units of 30-year fixed/ARM including For books on these crops, eall blood or pay $9,244. For more rehab cost . Call for info. kit, 533-0391 , 734-0561 (fax), man- information eall Blood Bank, 1Ron Li (HNL) 525-2914 (voice- rique@lava.net (e-mail). 800-372-9966 for appointment. mail). North American Mort- Mahalo! gageCo. (R). Open a business/ expand to Landlords: when you have an NO TIME TO VISIT? Beautiful Leeward of Windward. Large available opening, please eon- tropical flower bouquets delivand small spaces to lease at tact OHA's Housing Counselor. ered/placed at National Cemebusy shopping centers. Cecily Units must be decent, habitable tery of the Pacific/central HonChing (R), Gabrielsen and Co., and affordable. Call Leona olulu. lntroductory rates. 677-6700. Kalima, 594-1902. Kaulukanu Nurseries. 2595239. Pager 525-9479. Experienced auto meehanie will I 1 1979 Camaro 350 automatic, ,and trade- 10 acre aa lotinl service any make or model car . Ir a\arm rimc naint raii traae. iu ag. iot in nr trurk at rpa<;onahlp nrirp alarm, rims, paint. Call Kamuela, Hl, for ag lot or res. truck at reas°nable price. 344.^44 (pager). $3500 or in K. Mani Pall 871 Call 739-5541 ask for Leo. Oil bestoffer lot m Kula' MaUL °a" 875 change, brakes etc. 0898. Ot%ly EeaeA 6ū,VVV Kwauah AemeAoM*. Up to 24 words. (No artwork) Classified ads must be prepaid. Fill out the form, and send with your eheek made payable to: Office of Hawaiian Affairs. Mail to: Ka Wai Ola O OHA Classifieds, 711 Kapi'olani Blvd., Suite 500, Honolulu, Hl 96813. your name address town zip phone ' I JLASSII lEl>S«CLASSIF:ilSDS*C:LA.SSl?lIIl>S«llfJW*SML L«TBA»i:«BLT«SELL«TBA»i>BliT«CLAS§IFIEDS«CL A SSI IEDS*t:L ASS1 W ! 13 « 1IL¥ • SELL«TRA.»E # BL¥ ♦§