Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 12, 1 December 1996 — Anxious to observe and listen to three new trustees [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Anxious to observe and listen to three new trustees

Chartge is inevitable The 1978 State Constitutional eonvention created OHA, ratified by a slim margin of 43 to 41% of the voting populaee. In 1980, the first Trustees of OHA were sworn in. This 1996 eleehon (every two years) was the 8th turnover at the Board of Trustees. Aioha tooutgoing It is always unsettling to see a former colleague lose a bid for reelection, regardless of the personal relationship. To a BALLOONING organization, an infusion of new perceptions helps to prevent power stagnancy and corruption. To our outgoing Trustees Moanike'ala Akaka, Kina'u Kamali'i and Sam Kealoha, mahalo nui for your time and service. It is difficult to be a public steward, but it is also rewarding when a job is done well and beneficiaries appreciative. Weleome I weleome newly elected trustees: Haunani Apohona , the Alu Like Leader; Colette Machado with apparently lots of Political Experience; and the articulate and well-bred Hannah Springer. They bring an age mix to the Board, increased the gender composition of six women to three males. If they carry out their "If elected" public proclamations of " if elected I will do so and so, " the next years be CHALLENGING." Campaign promises APOLIONA SAID OHA NEEDS "NEW LEADERSHIP." The papers announced that former Chairman Hee and Colette Machado were former Alu Like employees, hmmm? Apoliona joins.swelling Alu Like infiltration into OHA's payroll and advisory committees, to name a few: • Hardy Spoehr, of Papa Ola Lōkahi, • Harriet 0'Sullivan, a dedicated Hawaiian worker; • Linda Colburn, administrator, at $83,500 plus fringes of 33%, a $10,000 expense fund, • Chris van Bergeijk, division head of Native Hawaiian Revolving Loan Fund (13 milhon Capitalization) at $60, 984, a loan manager at $46,358, and Alu Like is a designated service provider at an undisclosed contract to this division. • Noella Kong, appointed Division Head of Health and Human Services, at $46,356 plus 35% fringes. From this division, Alu Like will receive more than half a million eaeh year, Chairman Hee and Administrator Colburn's secretaries fill patronage positions and eaeh receives $46,000 while trustees' secretaries receive

$24,240. Trustee demands for proof of BOT these preferred exceptions are ignored. Hee's salary is $39,000 plus 33% fringes, 7,000 expense accovmt, a $10,000 protocol fund, controI of the $335,000 for travel, including staff, a gray area. SO GOOD LUCK HAUNANI, IF YOU HAVE THE VOTES TO BE THE NEXT OHA CHAIRMAN, YOU'LL BE AMONG MANY OLD EMPLOYEES that may pose uncomfortable conflicts, but that is the nature of poUtics. COLETTE MACHADO SAYS "SHE LEARNED HOW TO COUNT VOTES FROM EDDIE TANGEN" THE AKAMAI POLITICIAN AND UNION LEADER." OHA is mueh more than counting votes, OHA is about representing the beneficiaries, it is not about compromising to win, it is about holding firm to the values and principles OHA's image should reflect to the powerless beneficiaries. Is winning of any worth when principles of open accountability are forsaken? Counting votes beforehand delivers to the beneficiaries a closed decision already inherent here. Hee has counted votes to defeat the merit or integrity of an action requested. HANNAH SPRINGER ESPOUSED A PRIORITY OF FISCAL FIDUCIARY ACCOUNTABILITY. Aloha no! FinaUy someone acknowledges that money is the root of deliberate witholding of information, so all the more reason to demand regular reports and access to records . OHA's Audit is two years overdue and eliminates reporting the money in the investment portfoUo, 85% OF OŪR ASSETS. OHA has not published an annual report for two years. WELCOME ABOARD LADIES. TRUSTEES HAVE CREATED A SILENT ANGRY SOCIETY OF EXASPERATED FOLLOWERS DENIED INFORMATION, REGULAR CONTACT, LOGICAL DISCUSSION AND OPEN FIDUCIARY ACCOUNTING . TRUSTEES ARE CONTROLLED BY THE MOST INSIDIOUS USE OF POWER, THAT THE CHOICES MADE AVAILABLE TO BENEFICIARIES AND TRUSTEES ARE SHAPED BY MANIPULATED AGENDA AND EXCLUSIONARY CONSENSUS. help!

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Trustee, At-Large