Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 12, 1 December 1996 — Page 12 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Almost four years ago, the work of the Hawaiian Sovereignty Elections Council was born. Twenty Hawaiian Council Members from diverse backgrounds, representing all islands and the continental U.S. were tasked with finding out the will of the Hawaiian people on the question of building a sovereign Hawaiian nation. Recently in the Native Hawaiian Vote, 22,300 Hawaiians voted 3-1 in favor of an election of delegates to propose a native Hawaiian government. Now on December 31, 1996, the work of this Council is completed, our office will be closing its doors and we the members want to express our aloha and mahalo to those who helped to make this journey possible. We thank the Hawaiian community and the people of this 'aina for allowing us to serve you faithfully. Though the work of the Council may be coming to an end, the work ahead for Hawaiians is just beginning. Many of us are committed to seeing this work through to the next steps - an election of delegates, a Hawaiian convention and the building of a Hawaiian nation. In addition to our personal commitments, the non-profit arm, Hā Hawai'i, is committed to promote Hawaiian self-governance and education of Hawaiian sovereignty to the people of Hawai'i and the world. Hā Hawai'i is accepting new members and will be holding its first annual General Membership Meeting sometime in early 1997 where officers and directors will be elected, as well as fiscal plans and goals for 1997 discussed. To find out more about Hā Hawai'i or to become a member please write: Hā Hawai'i, 1164 Bishop St. Suite #1205, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96813 or via e-mail: tlani@aloha.net. For those of you who have signed up for our December 14 Hawaiian Conference we look forward to seeing you there to further discuss the next steps. Onee again mahalo nui for sharing this experience... let us all journey ahead into the next millennium committed to improving the lives and conditions of Hawaiians. (Note: The HSEC mailing address and phone number will be disabled after Dec. 31. We will, however, be disseminating information through our website http://planet-hawaii.com/hsec.)

A Final Report of the Council's work will be made available at the following locations in early 1997: Alu Like, ine. -Central Administration Oftice (O'ahu) 1024 Mapunapuna, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96819 836-8940 -Native Hawaiian Library (O'ahu) 2810 Paa Suite 1A, - Honolulu, Hawai'i 96819 8397784 -Hawaii lsland Center 961-2625 -Kaua'i lsland Center, 245-8545 - Maui lsland Center, 242-9774 - Moloka'i lsland Center, 5535393 Department of Hawaiian Homelands, lnformation & Community Relations Office 335 Merchant Street, Rm. 344 Honolulu, Hawai'i 96813 Hawaii State Library System Statewide Branches Check your loeal branch. (Note: the video "To Build a Nation: The Choice is Ours" is available for loan, also) Judiciary History Center 417 S. King Street, Honolulu,, Hawai'i 96813; 539-4999 Kamehameha Schools Midkiff Learning Center Native Books & Beautiful Things 222 Merchant Street, Honolulu, 599-551 1 Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation 1 1 64 Bishop Street, Suite 1 205 Honolulu, Hawai'i 9681 3 Office of Hawaiian Affairs - Honolulu Office - Hilo Office - Kona Office - Kaua'i Office - Maui Office - Moloka'i Office Queen Lili'uokalani Children's Center - Administration (Kalihi), 8471302 - Honolulu Unit (Kalihi), 8477991 - Ko'olaupoko Unit (Kane'ohe), 235-7613 - Wai'anae Coast Unit (Nanakuli), 696-5070 - Windward Unit (Hau'ula), 668-2314 - Hilo Unit (Hilo), 935-9381 - Kona Unit (Kona), 329-7336 - Kaua'i Unit -Kapaa Office, 823-6625 -Līhu'e Office, 245-1873 -West Kaua'i Office, 338-0068 - Maui Unit (Wailuku), 242-8888 - Moloka'i Unit (Kaunakakai), 553-5369 University of Hawai'i at Hilo - Dept. of Hawaiian Studies & Language - Library University of Hawai'i at Mānoa - Sinclair Library -Hamilton Library

Mailing: P.O. Box 3290, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96801-3290 M 0 0 In Person: 510 S. Beretania, Second Floor, Honolulu f m m ^7 r r V/ r r W ▼ tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt (808)587-2834 E-Mail: tlani@aloha.net nVFPFĪfNTV (808) 586-0169 FAX World Wide Web: N V u e ct o n s e o u n e , l 1-800-958-6837 http://planet-hawan.com/hsec