Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 12, 1 December 1996 — Questions about audit [ARTICLE]
Questions about audit
After reading the "Trustee's Views" eolumn by Trustee Billie Beamer, "Questions about audit recommendations," I simply could not believe that this situation exists relative to the past and current finaneial audits of OHA. I cannot beheve that such mismanagement ean exist without something either seriously having gone wrong or someone having blown the whistle on
OHA Trustees and on the State for not hav-
ing corrected these problems or addressed the deficiencies brought out by these audits. How ean any Trustee worth his or her salt stand by and let this go on? If the data is true then this is a real time bomb. Surely OHA Trustees are aware that their failure to take whatever action is needed to remedy this deplorable situation will ultimately plaee them in a position of fault. Secondly their failure to conduct themselves in the highest professional manner will also bring shame to Hawaiians and to our effort to be looked upon with respect. How ean we be taken seriously if we cannot manage our own household and balance our own checkbook? At this critical juncture, when we are on the verge of redeeming so mueh of what has been thought lost, the actions and decisions of our leaders must be made with great care and with utmost professionalism. Will it be written that our OHA Trustees fumbled the ball for all Hawaiians because of their arrogant disregard for responsible fiscal management? I hope others who read this letter also voice their eoneem that these audit problems be addressed and corrected as soon as possible. Raymond M. Joao Aiea, Hawai'i