Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 1996 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

BOARD OF TRUSTEES Clayton Hee Chairman & Tmstee. O'ahu Abraham Aiona Vice-Chair & Trustee. Maui Moanike'ala Akaka Retirtng Trustee, Hawail J Hannah Kihalani Springer •sCA >ncomtrig Trustee, Hawail Rowena Akana Trustee-At-Large Billie Beamer Trustee-At-Large A. Frenchy DeSoto Trustee-At-Large Kīna'u Boyd Kamali'i Retirtng Trustee-At-Large Haunani Apoliona inaoming Trustee-At-Large Moses K. Keale, Sr. Trustee. Kaua'i & Ni'ihau Samuel L. Kealoha, Jr. Rettring Trustae. Moloka i & Lōna'i Collette Pi'i'pi'i Machado lncomtng Trustee. Maloka'i & Lōna i ADMINlSTRATION J% Linda Colburn jL Admintsfrator Sesnita A. Moepono Deputy Administrator Martha Ross Deputy Admlntstrator Pubdsh©d by the Offlce of HcrwaHan Affofrs Public tnformai1on Offlce Barbara Hastings PubSc lnformatk>n OtHce< Deborah Lee Ward^»Bl PubllcationsSp*c>aiist . Kelli Meskin Barbra An Pleadwell n, i-nn iiii i I, r , KUDik^anons loiī<xs '-f Ko Wol Oka O OH/lJ J1B1 -The Living Water of OHA" PUbfehed mor>thiy by the Office of HowctfcMTs Affoirs. 71 1 Kapl'olanl Boulevard. 5th floor. Honohiu, Hawai'l 96813. leiephone: 594-1888 or 1-800-468-4644 ext. 41888 Rk: 594-1866. Email: oha©aloha.net. Worid Wlde Web address is http://planet-hawa.S com/oha. CirculafiOh (s 67 XX» copies, 60.000 of whleh are distrfbuted by mall. 7,000 are distributed through isiand offices. state and county offices private and community agencles cnd target groups arrd lncSviduals. Ka Wai Oia O OHA is d- nted oy rfd Pubtications, ine. . : Hawaiian forife qti?provideSSf :bocor»f:inf6v::: Aeh'e'' sing in Ku Wai Olō' O OHA does not ::: cor>stitute ah endo-semen: of products ot in<Sviduals by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. Some graphics are from C6ck Hawaiian® Art, ® 1996 Varez/CI. Ka Weu Oia O OHA is pubiished by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs to help inform its Hawaiian beneficiaries and other interested parties about Hawalian issues and activiiles. anei OHA programs and efforts. Notice to Readers: Ka Wa> Oia O OHA will accept for consideration news reieases and letters to the editor on toplcs of retevance and interest to OHA ar»d native Hawanar>s. as weli as caiendar events and reun!on notices. Ka Wai Oia O OHA reserves the right to edit all material for iength and content. or not to publish as avaliabie space or other consfderaf1ons may requlfe. Unsoi)cited manuscnpts are nat accepted A copy of the newspaper is mailed eaeh nnonth to Ihe oldest registered OHA voter at eaeh address. to be shared I 3ythehousehotd. T<4 k^ep recefving Ka Wgr Ola O OHA, piease rera6mber to vote in eoeh etection. Our maiiJuL iist is based on the Oi& voter itsfs and when the City and County c3erks purge fite Bst ofnon votets. our list » otso affected. Mahaio! For advertising rates and tnforrnation. eali OHAaf 594-1980. / V © 1996 Omee of HawaMan Affc*s.