Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 12, 1 December 1996 — New Health and Human Services officer hired from Alu Like [ARTICLE]

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New Health and Human Services officer hired from Alu Like

Noella Kong has been hired to head OHA's important health and human services division. Kong was previously administrator for three years of the Alu Like Multi-services System, whieh is funded by OHA and state general funds. The division works to reverse the trend of too many Hawaiians falling into the poorest health statistics in the state, the lowest socio-economic levels, and being over-represented in the prison system. Among her priorities in coming to OHA are to address the impact on Hawaiians of welfare reform, increase collaboration to improve short- and long-term services, and to improve Hawaiian health and social status. "This is a prime time for Hawaiians," she says. "I see OHA as being at the forefront of the next steps that need to be taken as an organized body. It's exciting to be part of it." Kong is a 1970 Kamehameha Schools graduate, and received her B.S. from University of Hawai'i, and M.A. from BYU-Provo in organizational communication and human resource development. She also worked at Straub Clinic and Hospital as acting executive director of HMO plans. Kong was born and raised in Honolulu. She is a member of the Hawaiian Girls Golf Club, is SHPDA eouneil member, is on Aloha United Way Youth Services Volunteer Panel, and is a former Rainbow Wahine basketball player.