Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 1996 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
BOARD OF TRUSTEES Clayton Hee Choirman & Trustee, O'ahu **L Abraham Aiona \fice-Chair & Trustee, Maui Moanike'ala Akaka J Trustee. Hawal'i Rowena Akana Trustee-At-Large Billie Beamer Trustee-At-Large A. Frenchy DeSoto Trustee-At-Large Kīna'u Boyd Kamali'i Trustee-At-Large Moses K. Keale, Sr. Trustee, Kaua 'l&NI'lhau Samuei L. Kealoha, Jr. Trustee. Moioka 'i &tQna i ADMINISTRAT!ON " ; Linda Colburn Aarrvnistrator Sesnita A. Moepono Qeputy Aaminisirarcr Martha Ross Deputy Administrator Pubifsh©d by the Offlce of Hawaiian Affalrs Public lnformaflon Offtce Barbara Hastings Put>iic information Officer Deborah Lee Ward Put>Scations SpedaSst KelLi Meskin Barbra An Pleadwell PubScations Editors Ka Wal Ola O OHA "Tbe living Water of OHA" PubSshect montniy by the Otfiee ot Hawoltans Affatrs, ?1 1 KOpi'olan! Boulevard, Sth floor, - * oMu, Howor! 96813. Iei©pr>or>e: 594»1888or 1i 800468-4644 exf. 41888. Fax: 594-1865 ĒHnoil: '! ohaeatoha.net. WarSd Wide Web adckess ls http://p1anet-hawaii.com/oha, Circulation is 67.000 copies, 60XK» of whieh are distributed by maii. 7X300 are <Sstflbuted through isk3hd offices. state and county offices. private and community agencies and target groups and :ndi\4duais. Ka Wai Ola O OHA is printed by RFD Publteations. ine. Hawailan tonts are provided by Coconut info. Advertising in Ka Woi Ola O OHA does not constitute an endorsement of products or lndivlduais by the Office of Hawoiian Affairs. Sraphlcs are from Cllck Hawaiian« A4. '4 1996 Vare2/Ci. Ka Wai.Oia | CKA l» mjbiished by the Office o? Hav.ai:ar. Affa!rs to he|^thfor-n lts Hawemen beneficiaries and ofher interested parties about Hawo8an issues and activt«es, and OHA p?ograms ancf«fforts. Notice to Readers: | Ka Wai Oia.O OHA wili accept for considera1 tion contributed news reieases and ietters to the editor on topics of relevance and interest to OHA and native Hawaiians. as weii as ealendar event and reunion nofices. Ka Wai Ola O OHA reserves the right to edit aii materiai for iength and content, or not to publish as avaiP abie space or other considerafions may -equ:re Ka Wai Ola O OHA policy is not to accept urBOlicited manuscripts. Deadlines are stricfly observed. A copy of the newspaper is rrtaited eaeh month to the oidest registered 0HA voter at 1 .. eabh:cfddress/:;Bilt: sfcre^.bytB;hciSSiite • To keep rec«vfng Ka ^fal ŌTCt O OHA, piease remernber jo vote tn eaeh ©ieelioh. Our mailing llst is based on the OHA voter l!sfs and when the Clty and Counfy clerks purge the list ofnon-voteB, our ltet is aiso affecfed. Mahaioi For advertising rates and information, eali OHA ~"crt?594»] 980^rfy ; ©- 1 996 Offlce ol Hawaiian Affairs. All rights reserved.