Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 11, 1 November 1996 — NOWEMAPA CALENDAR OF EVENTS [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Nov. 5 — Hawai'i-Pacific Arts Festival at Bish- j op Museum from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Enjoy musi dance, craft demonstrations, storytelling, videos, a craft fair and more. Admission is fre Nw. 6-1t> — 37th Annual Convention of the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs at the A Moana Hotel. Nw. 9 — Operation 'Ohana will be at Kame hameha Schools Ho'olaule'a

on the intermediate school campus. Bring a copy of your birth certificate and sign-up for OHA's Hawaiian Ances-

try Registr\'. You'll get an Operation 'Ohana card on the spot. Nov. 11 — Bankoh Kī Hō'alu "Kaua'i Style The fourth and final concert in this ser The Bankoh Ki Hō'alu series is presented as _ service to the community by Bank o Hawai'i. The festival will be at the Kaua'i Marriott from noon to 5:30 p For more information contact Milton Lau, Ka

Hoku Productions at (808) 239-4336. ; I I I NoV. 15 19 — After Dark in the Park "Seismic X-rays of the Big Island" Paul Okubo, ; USGS seismologist,will offer an update on developing thoughts about the evolution of

the Big Island; and "Evolution of Hawaiian Society," Lorin Gill, ^8 retired education director of ■ Moanalua Gardens Foundation, will discuss

^ the development of Hawaiian culture and its agricultural, religious and political organization. Na PHA NO€A H Programs for gifted, talented chiidren i I at UH Hilo (808) 933-3678 Super Enrichment Saturday Nov. 16 and 23 grades 2-3 Project Kupulau/Ho'omau Nov. 16 grades 7-12 at UH Mānoa (808) 956-9410 Project Kupulau/Ho'omau Nov. 9 and 11 grades 7-12 Super Enrichment Sarturday Nov. 23 grades 7-12 at Maui Community College (808) 242-6153 Super Enrichment Saturday Nov. 2 grades K-5 Nov. 16 grades 6-12

Nov. 16 — Lauhala Weaving Class taught by Margaret Lovett from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. ! Bring luneh. The class j is at the Kaua'i Museum in Līhu'e and is I $25. For more infor- i mation eall (808) 2456931

No*. SV — Fifteenth Annual Folk Art Bazaar at the Honolulu Academy of Arts in Gallery 13 ! and the Fountain Court Gallery. Shop through a ! variety of hand crafted baskets, masks, folk art, ! ceramics, textiles, holiday ornaments, handmade coconut soap from Fiji, native American ! jewelry, molas from Panama and more. Nov. 3V — Celebrate King Kalākaua's Birth- ! day (Nov. 11 is the actual birthday) on "Ali'i Sunday" at Kawaiaha'o Church at 10 a.m. For ! more information about Ali'i Sunday, eall 523- ! 6310 or 455-7092. S 1

ēvay 7 uet4i*y — Kama'ilio, Talk story in Hawaiian, at Ala Moana Park, on the 'ewa side of Magic Island parking lot under the wiliwili trees from 3:30 p.m. to sunset. It's educational and free. Pee. 1<l - The 3rd ^/1. Conference of Hawai- 0 ian organizations will O ! G NTY discuss the Native Hawaiian Vote, and next steps for election of delegates in the process toward building a Hawaiian sovereign nation. To attend, contact the Hawaiian Sovereignty Elections Council at 587-2834 to register and for loeahon information. To get your event listed in Ka Wai Ola o OHA, submit your information by the 8th of the month for the next month's issue. Call 594-1980 for more information. BOOKLET: HOWTOAPPLYTODHHL . . Native Hawaiians interested in applying for a DHHL homestead will find assistance in a new booklet published by DHHL whieh explains the application process. Get a copy free at DHHL's application branch in Honolulu, and at neighbor island district offices; and at the Honolulu and neighbor island offices of OHA and Alu Like, ine., all state libraries and the Department of , Health in Honolulu.
