Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 1996 — Kamehameha Schools 20th Annual Hoʻolauleʻa [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Kamehameha Schools 20th Annual Hoʻolauleʻa
Kamehameha School's Association of Teachers and Parents (ATP) will present the 20th Annual Ho'olaule'a on Saturday, Nov. 9
from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. This eagerly awajted a f a 1 1 event features a fantastic lineup of JĒĒ talent to be held throughout the day. The event takes plaee on the Intermedi- lSj
ate School campus and admission is free. The theme this year is j
"E Laulima Hou K ā k o u "
( Wor king, Together Again.)
e n t e r t a i n - m e n t
showcases t h e ^
talents of Na Leo Pilime-^^H hana, Kapena, Tropical Nights,
Kanilau, Natural Vibrations, Kūlana, ■> Kanile'a Collection, Kamehameha Children's Chorus, Kamehameha Concert Glee, Kamehameha Alumni Glee Club and other special guests. No coolers will be allowed. 'Ono neighbor island delicacies such as Kaua'i kūlolo, Moloka'i dry fish, Hilo loeo moeo, Maui guri guri — as well as plate lunchesto satisfy every appetite. All ages will enjoy games and a petting zoo. Fresh pro-
duce, preserves and crafts will also be on sale. An Operation 'Ohana table will be set up
to register Hawaiians in OHA's ancestry registry. Bring a xerox | copy of your birth certificate to I the booth and receive an OperaI tion 'Ohana card on the spot. Ho'olaule'a is an annual
fundraiser for the Kamehameha
AiP. Money earned through this event ■ supports enrich- ■ ment programs W for Kamehameha " students in kindergarten through grade 12.
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