Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 11, 1 November 1996 — Hewett to teach a variety of hula workshops [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Hewett to teach a variety of hula workshops
Kumu hula Kawaikapuokalani K. Hewett is holding hula workshops on Kaua'i. Eaeh workshop he will teach one song he has composed. He will discuss the kaona (deeper meaning behind the song) and the choreography. Best known as kumu hula of the Kāne'ohebased Kuhai Hālau o Kawaikapuokalani Pa 'OIapa Kahiko, Hewett is also a noted Hawaiian composer, chanter, and eduator. On Oct. 21, Hewett will teach "Mai Kahiki Pele". On November 4, "E Hia'ai I Ka Nani O Hopoe" and "Hopoe" will be taught.
On Nov. 19, "PPi Ke Kai" will be taught. The Kaua'i Coconut Beach Resort is co-sponsoring the event, 1<3
and the workshops will begin promptly at 7 p.m. in their Paddle Room. Please eome prepared to dance. A certificate will be awarded upon completion of eaeh workshop. The workshops are one hour eaeh, and the fee is $15 per workshop. Space is limited to 25 persons, so pre-register. A Masters Series of workshops will also be held. Hula teachers and their alaka'i are invited to attend this in-depth series. Kawaikapuokalani will teach the same songs, kaona, and hula, at a more advanced level. The fee will be $15 per person per workshop. To register eall Kathleen Cook on Kaua'i at (808) 823-0615 for details.
Kawaikapuokalani K. Hewett 1 « + 77^ VAVAVAVAVAV