Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 1996 — Hawaiʻi needs to be made pono [ARTICLE]
Hawaiʻi needs to be made pono
The true, early Hawaiians lived with nature and were attuned to its subtle changes. Now, no one seems to care, and it's scary! When was the last time you drove through Tantalus in upper Makiki? If you did and didn't notice anything wrong with your environment, then you failed the test of a true Hawaiian. A hearty, heart-shaped vine has destroyed the trees and surrounding vegetation (kanaka maoli), all the way up the mountain (Hawai'i)! This vine covers its victim, eventually killing it, then steals the resources and sunlight spaces, corrodes the 'āina, then steals the elean air that those trees (Hawaiians) used to produce! If you decide to park at Tantalus, don't roll your windows (guard) down or you'll be invaded by mean, blood-thirsty mosquitoes! In nature, things ean go haywire! We need to recognize them as negative, cancerous invasions and respond to it or else! Queen Lili'uokalani and her people recognized this, but too late. Hawai'i need to be made pono! George Kahumoku Flores Honolulu, Hawai'i