Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 10, 1 ʻOkakopa 1996 — OHA's tent shows for October [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

OHA's tent shows for October

by Billie Beamer Trustee At-Large TENT I: COUNOL EXCLUDES BENEnCIARIES HSEC agenda specifīcally states "Council business meetings are open to the puhlie. However, puhlie eomments will not be accepted at this time. All requests for permission to testify should be submitted in writing or by phone eall prior to the next

scheduled HSEC meeting. Why do these members make beneficiary input so difficult?

Alan Hoe, Waihee's team Bill Meheula, law partner of Waihee trustee Analu Berard, Civic Club Bmce Keppler, Civic Club Mahealani Kamauu, Civic Club Tasha Kama, Who knows?

Ululani Bierne,? Barbara Kalipi, ? Davianna MacGregor, Protect Kaho'olawe A'o Pohaku, Nation of Kū Sherry Evans, Civic Club • Kanoe Gill, ? Nliehael Minn, ? \m Nalhaniel, ? Kaipo Kanahele, ? Sabra Kauka, ? Havden Burgess. ?

Olani Decker, ? Solomon Kahoohalahala, ? Kina'u Kamali'i, OHA

$1.8 MILLION FOR A SURVEY? The objection by beneftciaries caused the group to change its purpose from a | plebiscite to a survey | or opinion poll. a pro- | hibitive expenditure extravagance for a group accountable to the State and not the benefīciaries.

KAKALIA, KUBOTA, HUBBARD AND BEAMER LOST THEIR INJUNCnON. BUT LIMITS WERE SET FOR HSEC. OHA could have conducted a comprehensive survey for one-fourth the cost. POLL LIST MANĪPULATED. 75,000 registered for the 1994 OHA election, of whieh 55,000 voted, (73% retum) with 37,000 on

O'ahu. But HSEC added fe!ons in Prison and Non-Hawaii Residents to tout a list of 82,000. If 39,000 ballots were received (48% retum, they elaim) and if 20,000 voted "yes," 24% of all ballots is not a mandate. The Advertiser called it a muddled process whose result could reflect confusion, in need of more information. TENT II: THE CAPITOL TENT Watch the entry of the evangelistic legislators, 86% non-Hawaiian, design our future in tandem with the Hawaiian HSEC and

OHA power collaborationist. But how will they play out their two act contradictory Scene? Sccnc 1. Sovereignty Council cosies to legislators for power to create their idea of a Hawaiian State for us. They

collude with legislators but not with beneficiaries. Who authorized them to plan for our future? Scene 2. Govemor and cabinet against funding more Hawaiian Programs. How ean state push for more sovereignty and cut out funding at the same time? OHA TRUSTEES ARE PLAYING BOTH SIDES, GIVING AWAY OUR AUTHORITY AND SPENDING YOUR DOLLARS. TENT III: OHA ELECTION NOVEMBER 5, 1996. BEWARE OF TEAM

COALITIONS Vote for individuals. Whom do teams represent? Hee's majority? Waihee? Or Thompson? You decide if they represent the same power coalition covering all bases. TENT IV: MONEY GIVEAWAY CALL ISLAND LIAISON FOR A SCHEDULE of the Budget Hearings, ASK FOR: EXPENDITURE FOR 95-97 BUDGET PRIORFTIES GRANTS APPROPRIATIONS FROM TRUST ACCOUNT INVESTOR PROFILES $ IN CASH $ INVESTMENTS AND COST OF EVALUAT10N OF PROGRAMS NUMBER SERVED % NATIVE HAWN PRIORITIES FOR DIVISION ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Call 594-1872 for details. Vote and Vote Smart Particularly the 68% on O'AHU.


HSEC 1993 Legislature creates HSEC, Council tp determine procedures to establish a sovereign naūon. 1996 Act 140 made HSEC a state agency under DAGS. 20 persons appointed, no input from beneficiaries

Huilmi 1993 legislature creates Hui IMI to plan for Hawaiians future. Also, a state agency under Department of Accounting and General Services. Appointed no input from beneficiaries

Federal Bill 1993 Federal Bill to create a Hawaiian tribe Inouye says an inadvertent mistake by the Samoan congressman no input from beneficiaries.

ISLAND Moloka'i Kaua'i Hawai'i At-Large

OHA Trustees up for re-election Sam Kealoha Moses Keale Moani Akaka Kina'u Kamali'i

Hui Kalai'aina Waihee's team? Walter Ritte Lopaka Mansfield Francis Kauhane Kīnā'u Kamali'i*

Lokahi, Alu Like, Thompson's team? Collette Machado Warren Perry Hannah Springer Haunani Apoliona

*running on Kalai'aina slate to challenge colleagues. Best of both polkieal worlds?