Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 10, 1 October 1996 — Hoʻi Ka Wai II -- Annual Benefit Concert [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Hoʻi Ka Wai II -- Annual Benefit Concert

A benefit concert and rally has been organized by the Makawai Stream Restoration Allianee to support the return of water to the Waiāhole, Waikahe and Kahana streams. All proceeds go to Hui Ulu Mea 'Ai - Water Fund to continue the Waiāhole contested case hearings before the State Water Commision. Funding also helps with the cost of offtce materials, expert testimonies and education. The concert will feature a full day of kanikapila, presentations by community speakers, Hawaiian and loeal food, arts and crafts booths and enviornmental community information booths. The Ho'i Ka Wai II Annual Benefit Concert will be at Waiāhole Elementary School on Waiāhole Valley Rd., on Saturday, October 5, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tickets are $10 and keiki 10 years old and under get in free. No outside coolers or food please. For more information on the concert eall the Makawai Hot-line at (808) 239-5670. Also eall to talk story and learn more about stream restoration efforts in your community.

Waiahole valley