Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 10, 1 October 1996 — Pacified brown nosers [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Pacified brown nosers
by Samuel Kealoha Trustee, Moioka'i and Lāna'i
Ka Lāhui Hawai'i is the long evolutionary product of several generalions ol naii\e Hawaiians. who in 1987 sought to address pasl and prescni injustices an-,irig from the subversion of our indigenous culture and polilieal sjstem wiih ihe overthrow and the illegal annexalion b> ihe United States of America. Ka Lāhui Master Plan for Hawaiian sovereignty is a
ho'okupu, a sacred offering, to the peoples of Hawai'i, nativc and non-uative alike. Ii i- a proposal for a comprehensive strategy to achieve self-determination and self-governance for the indigenous peoples of Hawaiian ancestry. The putpose for this offering, is to set forth a template for future work in the political and community spheres and to propose a process of consensus. We believe that we have provided a solid foundation for future generations of the in ligcnous jx-oples ol Hawai'i - lo express sclfdetermination. flur hope is that with this ho'okupu. consensus ean bc achicved bv building upon w hat has k-en cstablishcd and agrecing lo abidc by and stipport dctcrmiiiations cndorscd by thc eollee tive whole. Ka Lāhiii Hawai'i has becn cndorscd hv liiousands of our people, including non-Hawaiians. Our accomplishments include: 1) Convened 3 Constitutional Conventions, 1987, 1989, and 1992; 2) Convened 21 Legislative Sessions; 3)
Developed a citizen enrollment database and established a nalional cotnpuier network span-
ning all major tslands: 4) Ratified over 80 treaties of mutual recogni- | tion with Inuit and Indian Nations; I 5) Completed ā Health ; Maintenance Organization plan for Hawaiians; 6) Became a mem- | ber of the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organizations of ihe World; 7) Published and assembled its Constitution to empower Native Hawaiians to make informed, self-determined, decisions and actions to protcct the
future of our lands, our people and our culture; 8) Has sent delcgates lo thc United Nations for the past 8 years to speak on issues affecting our people; 9) Currently working on programs whieh will deai with social problems such as drug abuse and domeslic violence amongst Native Hawaiian families; 10) Held several workshops on Hawaiian culture and spiriluality; 1 1) Held over 400 educational workshops on sovereignty and self-determination; 12) The formation of a comprehensive draft plan for building and suslaining an eeonomie base for our nation. No other Hawaiian cnlity, with or without moncy, including OHA and HSEC has such arecord of accomplishmcnts. lt is for this rcason Ka I.āhui Hawai'i is ihe re-created NATION, a "native" initiative for Native Hawaiian self-governance, formcd by and for Native Hawaiians, without the interfcrenee of this crooked sfatc, and its appointed pacifted brown nosers!