Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 10, 1 October 1996 — October is Cancer Awarness Month [ARTICLE]

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October is Cancer Awarness Month

Earl v detection tips for breast cancer October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The Amenean Cancer Society encourages all women to be aware of early detection in the fight against breast cancer. Breast cancer is the most eommon cancer that affects Amenean women. One out of eight females will have breast cancer in her lifetime. As you get older, your risk for breast cancer increases. Therc will be about 700 cases diagnosed in Hawai'i in 1996. Hawaiians have the second highest ineidence of breast cancer in Hawai'i but the highest mortality rate. This is partly due to late diagnosis. Laek of practicing early detection procedures for breast cancer contributes to late diagnosis. Early detection gives a woman her best ehanee for survival. The three step early detection plan recommended by the Ameiiean Cancer Society is: 1. Age 40 — have first mammogram Age 41-49 — have mammogram every 1-2 years Age 50 + — have mammogram every year

A mammogram is a quick, safe low dose x-ray of the breast. A technician places the breast between two plastic plates that compress it. The x-ray ean then produce a clear picture of the breast. Women are exposed to a minimal am0unt of radiation. 2. See your doctor for a regular breast exam Age 20-39 — every 3 years Age 40 + — every year 3. Practice monthly breast self-exam starting at 18 years old. Your doctor, a nurse or mammography technician ean show you how. The loeal office of the American Cancer Society ean give you a how-to-do diagram. Although the number of women getting breast cancer is increasing, early detection and improved treatment have kept the death rate fairly stable. Please do yourself and your loved ones a favor by following the three step early detection plan. Contact your nearest American Cancer unit for more information.