Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 10, 1 October 1996 — Page 20 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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I Hauoli Akaka (far left) and A aron Mahi (far right) support the spirit of Na Lei Lokahi. I (Centerfrom left: Hannah Kihalani Springer, Warren Perry, Colette Pi'ipi'i Machadof and Haunani Apoliona)

ipp^ — — 1- fjf j1I ^51 hH |Hh& •? I FT«Br • '^"i; Warren Perry with the &ee sisterg, jHHHflHfeNi Lani (left) and Momi (right). I < "Colette Machado is a dedicated ~ | ; and courageous advocate for t grassroots Hawaiians. She - • * , * doesn't back down. She stays focused. She holds high stan- " dards for responsibility, honesty <jflj and integrity." . ^HHHHH Noa Emmett Aluli, M.D. IHH|^H

"lt is an honor to witness this lei of vision, commitment. compassion, humility and work ethic. It's time. These are the people." Manu Meyer, Hilo

"Working together, any task ean be completed. I support Haunani in her work for OHA '96 Trustee-at-Large. I believe in the philosophy of aloha and lokahi that guides her collective work for the future. In a context of aloha, all things are possible. Make your votes count on November 5, 1996." Moe Keale

Unele Henry Kaapana and Warren Perry. [KF , — . " ..'ē.

Mām&m-? n ir^ hh IL - M^,4|T. .? Kumu Hula Beverly Apana Muraoka and Warren Perry. H Warren Perry and Lovey Apana.

"The people of Lana'i are m||M^^H^^Hpnm looking for a good : representative for our island, and we see that in Colette" iMK-^ĒĒUMēK' Sol Kahoohalahala, Lana'i/Maui County V jH Council Member

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"The time for change is now. A collective vision, impiemented by trustees willing to work together with respect for eaeh other using decades of diverse community, administrative, direct service, policymaker experienees are what we need. I | will support Haunani's efforts by my vote." Peter DelaCruz, Entrepreneur, Hair Cut Company

"To my friends and 'ohana from Hawai'i to Ni'ihau, support Haunani with the votes on November 5. We Hawaiians ean do mueh with working trustees willing to listen, willing to respect the skills of others, willing to work together, and willing to work hard for the betterment of our Hawaiians statewide. Support Haunani and her efforts. I do." Ledward Ka'apana

IMMWH JB1f iB«§« Clifford Anderson (left) and Heine Kamai support Warren Perry.

Hannah Kihalani Springer with Aunty P li'^o r)of U K/loliiiUi I ao