Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 10, 1 October 1996 — Page 19 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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( Aloha 'Aina EXPERIENCED " INTEGRITY ^81 C HARD WORKING PRAGMATIC The immediate future will iĒL be trying and dec.sive for &. the Hawaiian People and ejm mmk islands. i look forward to mmmmm m/ēē§~ continue serving you for Justice and a greater and > JjJ more prosperous future . MOANIKEALA AKAKA TRUSTEE ISLAND OF HAWAI'I slnce kalama valley, O'ahu, over £6 years ago , the beginn1ng of the modern hawaiian movement for justice, i have labored in the courts , in the halls of the legislature and on the front lines and picket lines - wherever necessary. today we need my experience and knowledge of issues affecting our beloved 1slands and our very lives . Campaign to re-elect DONATIONS WELCOME: Moanike'ala Akaka to OHA Tammy Aina Evangelista, Chairperson Lorraine Medeiros, Treasurer P.O. Box i 530 Hilo, hawai'i 9672 i