Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 10, 1 October 1996 — Page 14 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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AAake Good Neighbors ' 3 - ^ The first day of school is a momentous occasion in every child's life. This fall, the first day of school was A a memorable one for all of Hawai'i. Kamehameha m Schools Bishop Estate opened its new elementary schools on Maui and Hawai'i to 160 Hawaiian students. *" ' • Over its 109-year history, more than 18,000 young ■HHĒ * "5r men and women have graduated from Kamehameha Schools They are Hawaii's community leaders, parents, WBē professionals, tradespeople and kūpuna Kamehameha 0 g Schools alumni are your neighbors, co-workers and friends. 9 As KSBE expands its reach with new schools and |1 9 9 9 'kjBf preschools throughout the state, we'd like to thank ^-f - the communities we serve for their support and kōkua. From Maui to Moloka'i, Anaholo to Hilo we are JĒĒ9Ē :,¥* committed to being good neighbors as we strive to ' • — — — — -t — provide quality full-time educational programs to as I as our resources i^HWl i a ^ [ I/' I p