Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 10, 1 ʻOkakopa 1996 — OHA works to preserve cultural site at Honokōhauiki [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

OHA works to preserve cultural site at Honokōhauiki

Gathering to discuss plans for an OHA living Hawaiian cultural and learning center at Kealakehe are (left to right): Kona historian and president of Nā Kōkua Kaloko-Honokōhau, ine. David Mauna Roy, OHA Trustee Frenchy DeSoto, OHA Historic Preservation Council member Fred Cachola and OHA government affairs officer Scotty Bowman. Nā Kōkua Kaloko-Honokōhau, ine. Has endorsed OHA's conceptual plan for the center. Community meetings are tentatively planned for the end of October in several Iocations on the island of Hawai'i. For more information eall the OHA Honolulu office at 5941946 or neighbor island liaison offices.