Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 10, 1 October 1996 — Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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» OHA Must Be Made Pono

Hui Kalai'aina, The Hawaiian Political Party, endorses these four candidates in the upcoming elections for the office of hawaiian affairs board of trustees.

□ □□ Hui Kalai'aina endorses Kina'u Boyd Kamali'i for OHA Trustee-at-Large 1 believe strongly in the rightful claimsfor land and trust entitlements of Hawauans. I also believe and care deeply that justice requires wel/-funded and effective programs for Hawaiian betterment in health , education and social opportunity.

* ■■■ m ''

PROVEN LEADERSH I P - OHA Trustee, Chair, Committee on Land and Sovereignty; Vice-chair, Committee on Legisla,tive Review; COMMITTEE ON BUDGET, FlNANCE AND POL!CY; COMMISSIONER, HAWAIIAN SOVEREIGNTY ElECTIONS CoUNCIL, CHAIR, ELECTIONS COMMI"n"EE; Administrator, State Health Planning and Development Agency, Gubernatorial appointment, 1987-93; Representative, State House of Representatives, Minority Floor Leader and Minority Leader, I 974-82, I 984-86; Chairperson, Native Hawaiians Study Commission , Presidential appointment, I 98 I -83 RESPECTED SERV1CE - "Outstanding Hawaiian , 1985. Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs Vice-president, 1988. Ahahui Kaahumanu member since 1974 President I 990, Prince Kuhio Hawaiian Civic Club "Outstanding Hawaiian Woman in Government", I 98 I , Alu Like, Inc. □□□

Hui Kalai'aina endorses Francis N. Kauhane for OHA Hawai'i Island Trustee


I am committeed to the platform putforth by Hui Kalai'aina, and stand ready to be held accountable for my actions as an OHA Trustee. I will work to achieve consensus among the Hawaiian people. I will be guided by a vision that embraces our heritage, and will work towards Lokahi for our people.

A descendant of the Ka' Uhane family of Waiohinu, Ka'u - Graduate of Kamehameha Schools and University of Hawaii - Founding Chairman of the Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation - Kaho'olawe activist - Legal Aid and oha lobbyist - Community advocate - lndependent consultant " endorsed by hui kalai'aina - A blessed family - good health Paid for by Hui Kalai'aina PAC, PO Bo\ 1916, Honolulu, HI 96805