Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 10, 1 October 1996 — Page 9 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Aloha e Ku'u Mau Hoaaloha: I want to help forge the Hawaiian Community into a more contributing factor of our society. It is because of

reverencefor our euliwe, love oj our language anā respect for the poliheal realm of our government, I am running for this seat. I believe trustees in the Ofpce of Hawaiian Affairs need to resolve the plight of the Hawaiians. OHA Trustees need to possess basic administrative qualities. They need to exhibit leadership and create positive policies and programs. Trustees must be helā accountable to the benefxciaries. They must be honest, sincere and hard workers. As leaders, they also should be able to bring opposing people together and work within the highest ethical standards of conduct. I ask for your support this coming November 5, 1996. Please know, I have no poliheal strings attached. I do not represent any special interest group. As your OHA Trustee-at-Large, I will work very hard to accomplish my mission to uplift the Hawaiian people and move forward to a better tomorrow. Ke Akua e hele pū me kakou apau.

/^RNADETTE MOKIHANA WATSON Hemy Mary Nāhaku Hanakahl Ka'amoku Kūlani Gilman Lono Ho'opai Watson Watson Lono „ , , ... . f\ Edna Lilinoe CaMnT.Watson (J Lono Watson Bernadette Mokihana Watson