Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 10, 1 October 1996 — OHA candidate forum, open to the public [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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OHA candidate forum, open to the public

The public is invited to a forum to hear the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Trustee candidates share their mana'o on how they would perform the duties of that office. All registered OHA trustee candidates have been invited to participate, and they have been given a 12-part questionnaire touching on the following areas of Hawaiian community eoneem: role of OHA Trustees; OHA's role in Hawaiian sovereignty; blood quantum; investment philosophy; OHA elections; priorities for OHA and trustee qualifications. Candidate responses to the questionnaire will be shared and discussed at the forum.

In addition, other questions dealing with candidates' positions on: combining DHHL and OHA into a single agency; OHA trustees speaking Hawaiian; the role of out-of-state Hawaiians in OHA, and OHA's priorities in next four years will be discussed in a direct-question, short answer format. Audience questions and participation are encouraged. The forum is open to the public and will begin promptly at 6:15 p.m. Monday, Oct. 7 at the Ala Wai Golf Course Clubhouse. The forum is sponsored by the Hawaiian Political Action Group (HPAC.) HPAC is a non-profit, non-partisan organization committed to improving the quality of life for Hawaiians through participation in governmental activities. This includes tes-

tifying at the legislature on Hawaiian issues, sponsoring informational forums,

lectures and media I messages aimed at educating the Hawaiian community on current and impending issues.