Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 10, 1 October 1996 — Justice and Liberty Bell Award nominations [ARTICLE]
Justice and Liberty Bell Award nominations
The Young Lawyers Division is seeking nominations for its annual Justice and Liberty Bell Awards. The Justice Award honors a member of the Hawai'i Bar who has made an outstanding contribution to the ideals of justice. The extent of pro bono Iegal service actions to improve the court system and educate the public on legal issues are considered in selecting the recipient. The Liberty Bell Award honors a nonlawyer who has made an outstanding contribution to the community in a law-related field. The winner is selected based upon: contribution to better understanding of the democratic form of government; promotion of greater respect for the law and courts; encouraging of deeper sense of individual responsibility so citizens recognize their duties as well as their rights; and promoting a better understanding and appreciation of the role of law in our society. Please send a brief letter of support with eaeh nomination to HSBA, YLD Awards Committee, 1136 Union Mall, PH 1, Honolulu, HI 96813. Nominations must be recieved no later than September 20, 1996. For more information contact Jaylene at 5371868. The awards will be presented at the YLD Annual luneheon meeting on October 31, at the Sheraton Waikikī Hotel, Moloka'i Ballroom.