Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 9, 1 Kepakemapa 1996 — Page 19 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
NOTICE KAMEHAMEHA SCHOOLS BISHOP ESTATE ADMISSIONS POLICY •» ) The policy on admissions is to give preference to ehildren of Hawaiian descent to the extent permitted by law. The Intemal Revenue Service has ruled that this policy is non-discriminatory.
Elementary and Secondary Schools Kamehameha admits children who show potential for excellence, and who are able in a timely and satisfactory manner to meet all academic and physical requirements. These requirements, together with religious programs, classes and activities, comprise the fundamental nature of a Kamehameha education: comprehensive academic, physical, spiritual, culmral and social development of the student into a responsible participant in society. As Kamehameha admits students on the premise that they have the intent and ability to ultimately graduate from Kamehameha, parents are strongly encouraged to review Kamehameha's graduation requirements prior to submitting applications for admission. For more information or copies of admission requirements, please eall 842-8800.
Preschool Program The Kamehameha Preschool Program seeks to prepare children for success in school. Preference is given to Hawaiian children at KSBE center-based preschools. As applicants for admission to center-based preschools must meet certain minimum physical and mental requirements, parents are strongly encouraged to review such requirements prior to submitting applications for admission. For more information or copies of admission requirements, please eall 842-8800. Kamehameha Schools Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estate