Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 9, 1 Kepakemapa 1996 — ʻO HANA REUNIONS [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


N a ' o h a n a e h o ' o h u i ' i a a n a

Wilhelm-Meyer — The descendants of Rudolph Wilhelm (R.W.) and Kalama Waha are in the process of planning their family reunion for 1998, to be held on Moloka'i. Efforts are being made to contact descendants living inHawai'i and on the Mainland, and to secure adaresses. Quarterly newsletters are beiw^Slm^p^^Tiembers that have current addr^fses on fila^ith tlte.familv.jEqr more informatioo. drop a notaito the M|yer dīiisin|| at P.O. Box 276, Kaunakakai;Hawai'iJ()67$R. i Aikanaka — Deseeridants qif Aikanaka are most i anxious to contact membetjLof the fanpy to prepare for a reunios^ Known wives of Aj§anaka are | Kamae, Aukai and Kaiaha. Children cf Aikanak» S are Keohokalole (w), Keliiuela (w) a.k.a Keliiwelawela (w) and Kekoa (k). His grandchildren are Puhalahua (k), Mokuohai (k) and

Kauheewa (k). And his great-grandchildren are Puhalahua (k), Maunaloa (k), Apikaila (w) and Haiola (k). Aikanaka had a sister named Liliha and his parents were Kepoookalani and Keohohiwa. Contact Clarence A. Medeiros, Jr. on the Big Island at 328-2074 or write to 86-3672 Gov't. Main Road, Captain Cook, HI. 96704. Manuhoa-Kamakapii — A Manuhoa me Kamakapii (Pu'uanahulu) 'ohana for O'ahu has been meeting every first Saturday of every month. We are planning and preparing for our second Reunion whieh will be held Labor Day Weekend 1997. We would like to meet more of our 'ohana and ask interested persons to please contact Sam Mamizuka on O'ahu at 847-6624 or Gwen Kahawai at 696-7162 or by mail at 84-120 Makau

Street, Wai'anae, Hawai'i 96792. William Parker — Descendants of Wm. R. Parker (wife was RoyLiloa Hiller a.k.a Rose Hiller Kane from her s|ll§|jffi||rriage to David Kane) are most anxious t#-coftact%iembers of the family to prepaje for Wm. R. Parker was born in 18J9 and|6ied in ll|96. Their children are Rose, Wrh Jr , Ei)«jabeth, Solomon, Alexander, Aliee, Nathame? and George. Wm. had a cousin named Marv Kahula 'Kahunaele. And she had a daughter %an^d Mary Kahula Hoomana who married David Caflahan. Contact Clarence A. Medeiros, Jr. on the f?BiJj||land at 328-2074 or write to 86-3672 Gov't. Main Road, Captain Cook, HI. 96704.