Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 9, 1 September 1996 — OHA UPDATE [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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'Aha kupuna The Office of Hawaiian Affairs will be holding its 9th annual 'Aha Kūpuna eonference October 24-27, at the Pacific Beach Hotel in Waiklkī. The theme of the conference will be O Nā Kūpuna O Ka Mole - the kūpuna are the center of our cultural foundation. This year, the focus will be on getting participants more directly involved in eonference activities. Organizers have invited several cultural resources - individuals with expertise in a certain cultural area - who will help kūpuna better understand and develop their skills. Seven hands-on activities are planned. These will involve pā'ani, musical instruments, coconut weaving, pōhaku, wood, and bone carving, and hula. Conference organizer Kupuna Betty Jenkins says the ehoiee of activities is "based on the^act tl\at we are a culture of

stone, wood, fiber and bone." Jenkins adds that she wants to use this and future conferences to reinforce the understanding that kūpuna are the transmitters of culture. To participate in the conference or for more information eall OHA at 594-1912 or Kupuna Jenkins at 637-91 18. Operation 'Ohana Operation 'Ohana, OHA's Hawaiian ancestry registry, will be at the Hilo

County Fair to enroll Hawaiians in its registry. The registry will be used to locate and count Hawaiians worldwide, serve as a means of recording Hawaiian genealogies and to verify Hawaiian ancestry. To sign up for your Operation 'Ohana card bring a xerox copy of your birth certificate to the Operation 'Ohana table at the Hilo County Fair Wednesday through Sunday, September 11 - 15, at the Afook Chinen Civic Center. An Operation 'Ohana sign-up table will be enrolling beneficiaries from 5 to 1 1 p.m. on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. On Saturday a table

will be taking sign-ups from 10 a.m. to j midnight, and on Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. On O'ahu, Operation 'Ohana will be at the Queen Emma Summer Palaee on Sunday, Sept. 21 , from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. When you sign-up with the registry you'll receive an Operation 'Ohana card right there on the spot along with a booklet that lists the different places you'll be able to receive discounts with your card. For more information on Operation ' Ohana eall (808 )594- 1 960.