Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 9, 1 September 1996 — Page 17 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
WHAT IS A MANUFACTURED HOME? The term "Manufactured Home" is used within the housing industry and puhlie sector to describe an "offsite" or factory built residential dwelling that requires little on-site construction. These homes arrive at the site virtually eompleted and ready for occupancy after they are placed on a foundation. They are built and conform to a federally mandated construction code, rather than state or loeal codes. Even though the basic concepts of production line construction are the same, today's manufactured home eontains few similaries with the "house trailers" of its early industry years of the 1960's. "Mobile Home", "Manufactured Home", "Modular Home" are all frequently used in describing today's factory built residential homes.
Starter- Homes 30*58V 46x50V 46il2H MASTtR KWŪOI [ L1»INC ROM ā)0 I H : : — 1 1 0IMTH| <t»5SV T&x39V TM V Studio 1 bdrm. / Family unit Ali'i I |E^| Bedroom 2 _ £| Bedroom 3 nS I— k KIWwn LMn9 Roonl U " f— 1 Wīl 30«58V Mx39V 46x39V »6*58V 14*39» Master studio 2 bdrm. / 2 bath / Family unit Ali'i II Living together, separatelg, provides a home for the whole familg. Loeal work for loeal people Homebuilders For All ^llU M I Families Real Value In Real Homes
TIPS TO CONSIDER WHEN BUYING A MANUFACTURED HOME Qualitg The H.U.D Construction Code requires that all manufactured homes are built to rigid construction, durability, and safety requirements. These standards regulate the design and construction of the home, the frame, and structural provisions, as well as the installation and performance of the heating, plumbing, air conditioning, thermal and eleetrical systems. Two traditional misconceptions regarding the quality of manufactured homes focus on fire safety and wind safety. Recent studies conducted by private research companies as well as the National Fire Protection Association report that the incidence of fires is actually lower in H.U.D. code manufactured homes are the same as the criteria established by the Standard Building Code for site-built homes. Today's manufactured home, when properly sited to a foundation, is as safe as a site-built home in withstanding high winds.
Appearance Today's manufactured homes offer literally thousands of designs and floor plans. The single section home, whieh is the most popular and affordable, varies in size from 400 to 1,200 square feet of living area. The multi-sectional designs are usually in two or three sections and ean offer over 2,000 square feet of living area. These sections are built and then transported separately to the site where they are joined on site and placed on a solid foundation. The choices in architectural designs and floor plans include everything from great rooms and cathedral ceilings to formal living rooms with wood-burning fireplaces and separate dining rooms. Just about any style and amenity available in housing today is available in a manufactured home. Exterior appearances in manufactured homes have changed dramatically in recent years. When properly sited, only a housing expert with a very sharp eye ean tell whether the home was "site-built" or "site delivered."
"HOUSING FOR HAWAIIANS" Through the community support of: Ali'i Affordable Housing Foundation. Goals: • 50,000 homes in ten years • 3,000 homes in the Pilot Program 1. Targeted market Hawaiian Home land leases. 2. Iniki victims. 3. General public looking for quality for their house buying dollar. 4. Developers low end resulting in no inflated prices in mid and market phases.Best House For The Dollar.
LISTEN FOR "DIDJANO MOLOKAI" on KWAI 1080AM Saturday from 4-6pm with Sam Peters LIVE FROM MOLOKAI