Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 9, 1 Kepakemapa 1996 — Hawaiian leadership conference in October [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Hawaiian leadership conference in October

The University of Hawai'i at Hilo will be holding its tenth annual Hawaiian Leadership conference frora October 17-19, 1996. This year's conference will be held in an immersion setting with workshops taking plaee around the island. Working groups will include: fishing traditions with the Pai 'ohana at Honokōhauiki, taro culture with Kia Fronda in Waipi'o Valley, Ka'ū lifestyles with Pele and Keolalani Hanoa, mele and oli with the Kanaka'ole-Kanahele 'ohana in Paha'ewa, native flora with No'eau Kaholokula in VoIcano, and weaving with Pi'ilani Ka'awaloa in Puna. ^ , < LL LLl',

The theme of the conference is "Me nā mea 'oi loa mai nā wā mamua, e holomua kākou i kēia au - Let us move forward to the future, carrying with us the best of the past." Speakers this year are Haunani Apoliona, president and chief executive officer of Alu Like, and Dr. David Sing, director of.the Nā Pua No'eau Center for Gifted and Talented Hawaiian Children, University of Hawai'i at Hilo. For more information contact the Hawaiian Leadership Dcvclopment Program in Hilo at (808) 933-341 3, fax (808) 933-3691 .