Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 9, 1 September 1996 — BOARD BUSINESS [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Na Kuleana a ka Papa Kahu Waiwai

Bv Deborah Ward Acting Public Information Officer

The OHA Board of Trustees held its monthly business meeting on Wednesday, July 24 at Nāwahīokalani'ōpu'u School, in Kea'au, Hawai'i. Present were Trustees Hee, Aiona, Akaka, Akana, Beamer, DeSoto, Kamali'i and Kealoha. Trustee Keale was excused. After voting to approve the agenda, 6 ayes, 2 nos, the board heard eommunity concems, then voted on the following items: Budget, Finance & Policy Requestsfor Funding Grants The board approved. 7 ayes, 1 no, a motion to approve as one item, ten requests to fund the following funding grants. The grants to be awarded are: • East Hawai'i Cultural Council, $17,495, to provide a six-month beginning kī ho'alu (slack key guitar) workshop series onee a month in Hilo, and a 25-week beginning slack key series to be held two hours a week for Hawaiian children in Miloli'i; • Mana'e Canoe Club, $18,325, to purchase a new racing eanoe and to repair its existing fleet to promote Hawaiian outrigger eanoe racing among Moloka'i youth;

• Blanche Pope Elementary School, $28,286, for salaries/benefits for a part-time Hawaiian resource teacher and a part-time teacher for video production to support its Accelerated School project and provide avenues for increased involvement by Waimānalo parents and community; • Hāna Community Arts Council. $5,540, to teach kī ho'alu to up to 40 Hawaiian youth in upcountry East Maui and Central Maui; • Hāola, ine., $4,000. to provide a structured, organized junior golf program for native Hawaiian youth in Pana'ewa, Hawai'i. • Ho'omau Ke Ola, $22,550, for a video project documenting treatment methods to help Hawaiians with substance abuse problems; • Life Foundation. $38,279, to expand HTV outreach and case management services to Hawaiians; • Maui AIDS Foundation, $20.500, for an education program to raise publie awareness and understanding of HTV; • Maui Youth and Family Service, $41,245. to expand an emergency shelter to fund one bed for one year specifically for Hawaiian youth; • West Hawai'i Options for Living. ine., $15.000. to support one bed for a partial year at Bridge House, a residential service for male substance abusers. August 15, 1996 The Board of Trustees met on Thursday, August 15, 1996 at the Kekaha Neighboihood Center. All trustees were present. After approval of the agenda as circulated, and hearing community concems, the board considered the following business matters. OHA v. DOE The board voted, 7 ayes, 2 nos, to receive and accept a status report from its attomey on this case whieh concems OHA claims regarding problems in the Hawaiian Language Immersion Program. The DOE has filed a motion in Federal Court for partial summary judgement to dismiss all claims. A hearing on the motion is set for Sept 9.

Cortez v. OHA The board voted unanimously to accept recommendations of its attorney, and to adopt an employment policy against harrassment subject to a formal recommendation by the Committee on Policy for establishment of a temporary grievance committee. Mitsunaga contract The board voted, 5 ayes, 4 nos, to approve final payment to Mitsunaga Associates for environmental, wetlands and flooding assessments and topographical survey of a site at Ke'ehi Lagoon being considered for possible OHA acquisition. OHA BOT Attorney Selection The board voted, 5 ayes, 4 nos, to appropriate $75,000 in trust funds for selection of Sherry Broder as legal counsel to the Board of Trustees. Demand letter to Governor re: Airport Revenues The board voted, 7 ayes, 1 no, 1 no answer, to direct Administration to send a letter on behalf of OHA to Govemor Cayetano requesting full payment on OHA's 20 percent share of the airport revenues as provided for by Act 304, SLH 1990. The state director of Ananee has instructed the Department of Transportation, effective July 12, 1996, to put the airport revenues owed to OHA under Act 304 into an escrow account "pending resolution of issues raised by the United States Department of Transportation's Office of the Inspector General." As a consequence, OHA has since not received payment of these revenues. Native Hawaiian Historic Preservation Council hudget The board voted, 8 ayes, 1 excused, to approve the amount of $146,209 in trust funds to augment the operating budget of the Native Hawaiian Historic Preservation Council for the 1996-97 fiscal year. Continued page 14

Board Business

Legal services to Legislative Review Committee The board voted, 8 ayes, 1 excused, to approve an appropriation of $20,000 in trust funds for fiscal year 1996-97 for a contract to hire an attomey with expertise in constitutional law to provide legal services in the development, . implementation, review of legislation and possible litigation for the Office of Hawaiian Affairs; the board also voted, 8 ayes, 1 excused, to hire Jon Van Dyke to represent the Office of Hawaiian Affairs for the above-mentioned legal services. Signage at Princess Margaret Maiine Park, British Columbia The board voted, 8 ayes, 1 excused, to approve $1,000 for signage at Portland Island's Princess Margaret Marine Park acknowledging the significant presence of native Hawaiians in the B.C. area in the 19th century, and their thousands of descendants still living in that region. Waiāhole budgetfor transcript The board voted, 8 ayes, 1 excused, to approve and amount not to exceed $30,000 in trust funds for the purchase of transcripts of the Waiāhole water contested case hearing. OHA is a party to this contested case hearing before the Commission on Water Resource Management, whieh began Nov. 9, 1995 and concluded May 8, 1996.

Joinder in Kona Hawaiian Civic Club v. Hualalai Development Co., et al The board voted, 8 ayes, 1 excused, to approve the joinder of OHA as eoplaintiff in a suit against the United States Army Corps of Engineers for defaults in permits issued in the dredging of four swimming basins at Ka'upulehu, Kona, Hawai'i; and to authorize an amount not to exceed $5,000 for legal expenses for representation of OHA by the Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund. The Army Corps of Engineers failed to consult with OHA and native Hawaiian organizations, as required under the National Historic Preservation Act, on projects that may impact historical and traditional cultural properties. Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation grant The board voted, 7 ayes, 1 no, 1 excused, to provide $106,499.10 to Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation for the Hawaiian Homelands Project. The meeting concluded with acceptance of the minutes of the May 30, 1996 board meeting on Maui, the chahman's report, administrator's report and ...iiiouncements.