Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 9, 1 Kepakemapa 1996 — OHA publishes Kū Mai Ka Poʻe Hula: Directory of Hula Resources [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

OHA publishes Kū Mai Ka Poʻe Hula: Directory of Hula Resources

A project of OHA's culture office, Kū Mai Ka Po'e Hula: Directory of Hula Resources will soon be available for reference at all state public libraries as well as Hawaiian organizations. "The need for this kind of publication has increased over the years with the growing interest and participation in the hula and other related cultural areas," said Manu Boyd, OHA's culture specialist and coordinator of Kū Mai Ka Po'e Hula. "This directory is a first step in providing comprehensive information on hula resources available in the islands including teachers, instrument makers, competitions and exhibitions." Last year, OHA sponsored and helped organize

Laukanaka Ka Hula, a conference on hula traditions in Honolulu, and continued with neighbor island hula panel forums in February of this year. Information presented in the directory was gathered from these programs as well as from a hālau survey disseminated in March. The project has evolved into a "who's who" in the hula world with such notables as Kamāwae, 'īlālā'ole, Mary Kawena Pūku'i, Edith Kanaka'ole, Maiki Aiu Lake and others acknowledged by dozens of contempor£iries who continue their teachings. For more information about the hula directory contact OHAat 594-1952.

KU MAI KA PO'E HULA directory of liula resources