Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 1996 — Views from the community [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Views from the community

"This vote is very necessary, it's a good thing that we are heing given a ehoiee ifit is beneficial. We've been talking about sovereignty forever, the issue is what will eome out ofthis vote. Ifwe will really be able to govern ourselves and manage ceded lands." Kehau Kuala, graduate student "l'm not going vote and probably most ofmyfamily is not going to vote. 1 don't see why we should trust the state now to look afier our wellbeing ... why would the state give up it's power to help Hcrwaiians be self determining? We've never relinquished anything so why should we go back and ask them to help us?" Konia Freitas, student "l'm going to vote because it's the beginning of something new and wonderful. This is a difficult process for Hawaiians because change is difficult, but the more difficult it is the better the ouleome. " Liana Honda, Hawaiian language agency director

"l'm all for it. We've been too afraid ofventuring forward. Nobody ean anticipate this new image and what is Hawai'i, unless we go through this process." Ilei Beniamina, assistant professor "lt makes no sense to rush into a process that many ofus are not readyfor. Our people need time and space to understand our history, participate in the present and preparefor the future." Kapuananiali'i Kala'i "I think there needs to be more education to prepare the community to vote. And / think it's healthy that there is a sector of the community that is speaking very loudly to not support the scheduled vote" Ku'umealoha Gomes, university student services director