Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 8, 1 August 1996 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
FOR YOVR INFORMATION Here is a list of OHA phone, fax and intemet numbers and addresses you ean use if you need information or have any questions, General information on OHA programs and po!icies 594-1888 OHA Newsline (committee and BOT meetings schedule) 594-1979 Operation 'Ohana (Hawaiian ancestry registry) 594-1960 Administration Fax 594-1865 Board of T rustees fax 594- 1 864 OHA's Toll-free number 1-800-468-4644 ext.l888 E-mail address oha@aloha.net World Wide Web address http://planet-hawaii.com/oha OTHER NUMBERS Hawaiian Sovereignty Elections CounciI 587-2834 HAWAIIAN INFORMA T ION ON THE INTERNET
Hawaiian Sovereignty Elections CounciI http://www.pixi.com/~nhac Perspectives on Hawaiian Sovereignty http://www.ohana.com/sovereignty/ Native Hawaiian Advisory Council http://www.pixi.com/~nhac lndependent Nation of Hawai'i http://www.aloha.net/nation Hawai'i Homepage http://www.hawaii.net/cgi-bin/search...disp.imp.tcl Hawaiian Language Center http://www.olelohawaii.edu Fourth World Documentation Project Homepage http://www.halcyon.com/FWDP/fwdp.html Kaho'olawe Homepage http://www.maui.com/~ohana/