Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 7, 1 July 1996 — Kamehameha Traveling Preschool program gets a replacement [ARTICLE]

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Kamehameha Traveling Preschool program gets a replacement

The Kamehameha Schools Traveling Preschool Program has been replaced, at least in part, by Momi Durand's Keiki O Ka 'Āina Preschool. The new preschool will open this month in the same loeahon, Ka Hale Hoano O Ke Akua Church in Kalihi Valley, and with same activities as Kamehameha Traveling Preschool Program. This program is unique. It requires that parents attend school with their children so both the child and the parent experience a safe and nurturing plaee to leam and grow. A variety of learning activities are available for both the children and parents. For the children, activities like circle time and story time help develop their imagination, listening skills and shows them how to focus their attention in a social setting. The parents also participate in a parental development class where they leam how to nurture their children's development and leam how to better themselves as parents. Other activity centers provide materials for language development, math readiness, and other basic skills children later acquire. Keiki O Ka 'Āina preschool will open this month. Programs are scheduled for Monday / Wednesday or Tuesday / Thursday from 9 a.m. to 1 1 a.m. Parents are weleome to bring up to three children as long as they ean supervise them. Infants through preschoolers are accepted. Tuition is $50 a month and students are registered for a four month semester. Discounts and scholarships are also available. If you have any questions or want registration information eall Momi Durand at 843-2502.