Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 7, 1 Iulai 1996 — Mākua is part of the "reconciliation" process [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Mākua is part of the "reconciliation" process

By Samuel Kealoha Jr., Trustee, Moloka'i and Lāna'i It is an historical fact, that the military's "strong arm" intimidation evicted the Hawaiian people out of Mākua in 1929. It is the United States Army that has been the official "SQUATTER" ever since. This is a fact of history that must be said and is not, in any way, an attempt to eonfuse the issue or a means to seek sympathy, as Hawai'i's famous anti-Hawaiian paper, the Honolulu Star-Bulletin wants the public to believe. The military has been abusing Mākua and the rest of Hawai'i without the

Hawaiian people's permission. They have been depriving the native Hawaiian people the lawful use of Mākua since 1929. What many ignorant souls do not realize or understand is that the land on both sides of the highway (including the land that the highway is on) belongs to the Hawaiian people. It is part of the 1 .4 million acres that was ceded to this crooked state via statehood in 1959. The recent circus clowns of the Hawai'i Democratic Convention should be hanging their arrogant heads in shame! Being in charge since 1959, our lame "DONKEY" had nothing to offer but a silly debate on a

"resolution," in whieh the opposition led by Mike Wilson of the

DLNR, rejected an offer whieh would give the people of Makua more time. However, giving the people of Mākua more time is not the issue. The mere fact that this was the discussion that ensued at the Convention, regarding Mākua, is nothing less than an insult to our kūpuna who have led the wav in our struggle for ius-

tice and "RECONCILIATION"! The "formal apology" by the Congress

ot the United 5>tates of America whieh was signed by the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces means absolutely nothing to our HONORABLE STATE "BOZOS." The "apology" advances "reconciliation" as a means to rectify injustices committed against native Hawaiians by the federal government and its agent, the State of Hawai'i. Hawai'i's public

lands are held in a federally recognized TRUST. Whereas the

Hawai'i Supreme Court recognized and reaffirmed that Native Hawaiians have inherent cultural, religious, social and eeonomie interest and rights to the land throughout the Hawaiian archipelago. In a recent court decision, Judge Daniel G. Heely has ruled that lands were illegallv taken without compensa-

tion or consent from the Kingdom of Hawai'i pursuant to the illegal overthrow

īn l»yj. lhese lands are now part ot a public land trust that lists the native Hawaiian people as one of the principal beneficiaries of this trust. The governor acts as though he just got off of a 767 from Manila by showing his ignorance (purposefully so, perhaps) to the fact that there are laws whieh recognize native Hawaiians as a "select group" who are entitled to rights (nationally and internationally) not extended to non-Hawaiians in this state. Our God-given right to the self-determi-nation process began in 1987 with the first Constitutional Convention of Ka Lāhui Hawai'i. We believed then, as we do now, that the ahupua'a of Mākua is part of the "reconciliation" process.