Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 7, 1 July 1996 — Fundaiser for young and old [ARTICLE]

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Fundaiser for young and old

Niu Haohao (new coconut), a fund raiser benefit for the kupuna at Lunalilo Home, 'Aha Opio (a legislative program for high school students) and Anuenue Hawaiian language Immersion school is being organized by Nā Kūpono ine. and Ali'i Pauahi Hawaiian Civic Club. The niu haohao (new eoeonuī) is a symbol of new beginnings and teaches lessons on being a foundation for usefulness, fttness and productivity. The Niu Haohao fund raiser is seeking kōkua in purchasing tickets and support. The day will be filled with joy, culture, music and food. Puakea Nogelmeier will be the Master of Ceremonies and will escort you through the day. Nā Leo Pilimehana, Robi Kahakalau, the Pandanus Club and more will be entertaining at the Sheraton Waiklkl Hawaiian Ballroom on July 14th, from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Donations are $35 per person or $350 for a table of ten. For more information or to buy tickets eall Nā Kūpono at 2475312 or the Ali'I Pauahi Hawaiian Civic Club 637-9118.