Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 7, 1 July 1996 — Page 14 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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SOL PILl KAHO'OHALAH ALAs the Council Chairperson. He is currently the Director of Cultural Resources for The Lodge at Koele and is responsible for implementation of an orientation and education program on native Hawaiian culture for employees and guests. Sol was also elected to the Maui County Council in the November 1994 general election. DAVIANNA POMAIKA'I McGREGOR, Ph D. is the Vice-Chairper-son for the Council. She is a historian of Hawai'i and the Pacific and is an assistant professor of Ethnic Studies at the University of Hawai'i, Manoa. She is a member of the Protect Kaho'olawe 'Ohana, works closely with the Pele Defense Fund and focuses her work on protecting subsistence in rural Hawaiian communities. e-mail: davianna@hawaii.edu the Apportionment Committee Chair is a Hawai'i island representative on the Council. He is presently retired and living in Kailua-Kona. An active member of the Kona Hawaiian Civic Club, Analu is an advocate for Hawaiian rights and strongly committed to the education of the Hawaiian people. is the President of the Native

Hawaiian Protocol & Consultant Services, ine., a government and community liaison firm. She was formerly the House Representative for the 46th District. Ululani is very active in the Kahana Valley community where she still resides and farms her land for kalo, maia and other fruits of the earth. JOEL 'OLANI DECKERjg a yQung Hawaiian woman who has been involved in the Hawaiian movement for the past six years. She was responsible for helping to organize the 1993 Ike Pono March. 'Olani believes that it is the responsibility of her generation to move the Hawaiian movement into its next phase, where the young people must participate to affect change. AL LEN i K ') s . is an attomey in private practice who has devoted a major portion of his time and energy to efforts to promote educational opportunities for Hawaiian youth and to right the wrongs committed against Hawaiians in 1893. He is

and intemational levels to assist and coordinate a peaceful transition between the Nation of Hawai'i and the United States. e-mail: hination@ilhawaii.net

Who the Hawaiian Sovereignty Elections Council?

a member of the Native Hawaiian Bar and Hui Kalai'aina, a Hawaiian political organization. SHERRY LEILANI EVANS5 who resides in Anchorage, Alaska, replaced Victor Kealakuhilima Jarrett as the nonresideni Council Member upon Unele Victor's death on January 19, 1994. Sherry has been an active member of the Mainland Council Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs. She is the mother of five children, an experienced educator and has been very active with the Hawaiian community in Alaska where she has lived for over 20 years. B \ R B VR has been a social worker with Queen Lili'uokalani Children's Center on Moloka'i since 1975. She is currently the Moloka'i Unit Manager. She was bom and raised on Ho'olehua Homestead lands and has been involved in Hawaiian community issues over the years. Some of her past affiliations include the Protect Kaho'olawe Ohana, the Moloka'i Community Services Council, and she is presently the President of Hale Ho'omalu domestic violence shelter. REV. NATALIE "TASHA" KAMA js a devout disciple and reads her Bible faithfully eaeh day into the wee hours of the night and upon waking eaeh day. Her faith in the Akua has made her a stronger person and she leads her life by that faith. She is the mother of eleven children and resides in the Paukukalo Hawaiian Homestead on Maui. Tasha represents the State Council of Hawaiian Homestead Associations (SCHHA) on the Council. KINA'U BOYD KAMALI'I the Council's Elections Committee Chair is an Office of Hawaiian Affairs Tmstee-at-large. She chairs the Land and Sovereignty Committee at O.H.A. and was Minority Leader of the Hawai'i State House of Representatives. Trustee Kamali'i has also committed considerable time and effort to community activities including Chairperson, Native Hawaiian Health Conference ("E Ola Kino"); Vice Chairperson, Kamehameha Day Celebration Commission; and Director, Friends of 'Iolani Palaee. e-mail: oha@aloha.net (Note: E-mail does not go directly to the Trustee Kamali'i, but to OHA's general e-mail)

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