Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 7, 1 Iulai 1996 — Brest fest to feature Hawaiian canoe [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Brest fest to feature Hawaiian canoe

Brest 96, the largest international wooden boat festival in the world, will be attended by a group from Hawai'i sailing a 100-year-old eanoe at the festival. Tay Perry, a eanoe builder, repairer and paddler, j has restored the four person eanoe, Kaukahi, with all native woods. Perry's father found the eanoe in a garage in Hilo in 1962. It was termite infested and filled with white lead and iron nails. Only now, 34 years later, is it seaworthy. Perry will travel with Nappy Napoleon, Anona I Napoleon, Sam Rodrigues and his daughter

Nerissa, Cindy Mahoney, Ned MeMahon and Peter Greenwell. They plan to share and exchange Hawaiian culture with the many different culmres joining in the festival. The wooden boat festival is held every four years in France. Boats from England, Ireland, Germany, Holland, the U.S., the Soviet Union and other countries attend the event to celebrate their water culture and history. Kaukahi will represent Hawai'i in a regatta on July 17 from Brest to Duarnenez alongside thousands of different traditional wooden boats.