Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 7, 1 Iulai 1996 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
...... ■■ ■ , :: - ■ ■. .. ■ ■■■ ■.■.■ ■:■■■■..:■ ■ '!'•*»■ ■' - ™ 'Wm&' -;SM M—r - iMlllll Wmm, iiiMiWMHHM' Fi i i' iff 1 lntroducing the Bank oīHawaii Mileage Access Card. Pay tor this: U\ i + + ( IHf + W/Ē&wp: = Miieage Access 4) ^ 7)44 ^ WM points
The Checking Account With Wings. If you want to travel the world, then you'll want the new Mileage Access Card! It works with your Bankoh Checking Account*, and when you use it to make a purchase, you earn Mileage Access points good
towards FREE airfare: ■ On ANY A1RLINE. ■ To anywhere. ■ No blackout periods — travel when you want. ^ To apply for the Bankoh i Mileage Access Card, just A m | eall or eome by any ■ I Bank of Hawaii branch. Bank of Hawaii HAWAII'S RANK
MEMBER FDIC *Excluding Campus Checking and Business Checking Accounts. Some restrictions apply.