Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 6, 1 June 1996 — He mau hanana [ARTICLE]

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He mau hanana

A calendar of events

'Iune (June) May 16 - June 9 — Windward Community College, a collaborative photo essay called Waiāhole: Ho'i Ka Wai by Mark Hamasaki and Anne Kapuiani Landgraf. The art is displayed in the 'Iolani Art Gallery at Windward Community College in Kāne'ohe. Gallery hours are Tuesday through Saturday 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. June 1 - Sept. 2 — Bishop Museum is showing a sport exhibit whieh will give

you a hands-on lesson in the science behind sports. The outdoor pavilion will feature traditional Hawaiian games, an exhibit on surfing, paddling, windsurfing, and hōlua (grassy slope) sledding and "Duke Kahanamoku" will teach visitors about loeal water sports and Hawai'i sports heroes. From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Kama'aina admission is $7.95 for

adults and $6.95 for youths 6-17 and seniors. For more information, eall (808)847-3511. June 8 — Hāna's

Makeke Fair - a Hawaiian music, crafts and cultural fair at the Hāna Ballpark, Maui. For more information eall 248-8049. June 11 — In the Language of the People - Writing in Hawaiian Pidgin English- Two award winning writers Darrell Lum and Lois-Ann Yamanaka will

discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using loeal dialect rather than standard English at the Eighth Biennial Conference on Literature and Hawai'i's Children. 11:45 a.m. in the Hawaiian Regent Hotel in Honolulu. For more information eall Childrens Literature Hawai'i at 956-7559.