Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 6, 1 June 1996 — Reichel wins Na Haku Mele award [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Reichel wins Na Haku Mele award

Keali'i Reichel was awarded the Na Haku Mele award at the Nā Hoku Hanohano awards ceremony for "Ku'u Pua Mai 'Ole". Reichel both composed and recorded this song on his new Lei Hali'a CD. OHA was the sponsor of the Na Haku Mele award in recognition of 1996 as the Year of Hawaiian Language.

The award acknowleges compusers and musicians for their execellence and useage of our mother tounge. A commitee of Hawaiian language experts are the judges of the Na Haku Mele award. They look for accuracy, pronunciation and poetic style.