Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 6, 1 Iune 1996 — Requests for proposa!s available for Competitive Tutorial Grants Program [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Requests for proposa!s available for Competitive Tutorial Grants Program

The Office of Hawaiian Affairs has announced it's 10th annual Competitive Tutorial Grants Program. Requests for proposals are available. Proposals are open to all educational non-profit organizations or institutions benefiting Native Hawaiian children, grades K-12. The goals of the Tutorial Program are to generate Hawaiian students' interest in pursuing further education after high school and raise awareness of their culture and language. It is important that all Tutorial Programs focus on helping Hawaiian students raise low test scores and/or grade point averages (GPA), encourage advancement from one grade to the next, and increase selfesteem. The Hawaiian communities who identify their childrens' needs and develop programs to address those needs are prime candidates for Tutorial awards. Awards are generally for a period of one year. Projects whieh eontinue over the one year duration may be proposed. However, funding will need to be approved on an annual basis. Applicants with a multiyear project must submit a new proposal for eaeh new year. OHA will not fund 100 percent of a tutorial project. Recipients are required to provide a percentage of total costs in matching funds or inkind contributions. The deadline to submit requests for proposals is Monday, July 1,1996. Please contact the OHA Education Division at (808) 594-1912 for an application and information. Neighbor Islanders may eall 1-808-468-4644, extension 41912, or ask to be connected to OHA.