Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 6, 1 June 1996 — Page 12 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Jgg REGISTER TODAY the NATIVE 1. • Deadline to Register To participate in the Native Hawaiian Vote you must be of Hawaiian ancestry | AWAl and at !east 18 years old by September • Ballot Mailing Begins 1996 a vote for unity Julv 1 1 There is no blood quantum requirement ' ' to register and vote. FOUR WAYS T0 REGISTER: 1 ) ofRce to Mail you a reaistration form. 8Q()-95-VOTER or 808-587-2834

_ Cut_ qut_ &Mail_a_ re^Lstmtionform_

Piek Up & Mail a registration form Piek up a registration form at any of the following locations:

INSTRUCTiONS STEP 1 Complete the HSEC Voter Registration Form 1 . Print your Social Security Number. NOTE: lf you do not have one, print NONE and a Voter ldentification Number will be assigned for you. The SS# is used to assist in identifying and preventing duplicate registration. 2. Print your Date of Birth. 3. Print your "Home" and "Business" telephone numbers. 4. Print your Name - Last, First and Middle Name 5. Check "Female" or "Male". 6. Print your Mailing Address 7. Print your Residence Address (house number and street name). A residence address is needed, this will determine voting precinct for future elections. NOTE: lf you do not have a street/ residence address, then describe where you live, such as subdivision, village, tax map key no., and zip code. 8. Print your Birthplace. Describe as best you ean. 9. Verification of Ancestry. Please sign statement verifying ancestry and if available provide any documents with your registration form whieh verify your ancestry. 10. Read and sian the Voter Declaration. 1 1 . If you are unable to sign, the form must be witnessed and signed by a witness in the space provided. STEP 2 Mail the Voter Registration Form. Must be received by: Julv 15. 1996. Send registration forms to: Hawaiian Sovereignty Elections Council P.O. Box 3290 Honolulu, Hawai'i 96801-3290

IPLEA8E PRINT CLEARLY IN INK. Affidavlt Number I HEREBY AFFIRM THAT THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION I IS TRUE AND CORRECT: | 1. SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER 2 DATE 0F BIRTH 3. TELEPHONE I Middle Name | 6. ADDRESS WHERE YOU RECEIVE YOUR MAIL (Street Address or P.O. Box) I Street Address City/Town, lsland State, Country Zip Code | 7. ADDRESS WHERE YOU LIVE (lf no street address, describe location of residence) ' Street Address City/Town, lsland State, Country Zip Code • 8. BIRTHPLACE (Describe as fully as possible) City/Town, lsland State, Country Zip Code I 9 VERlRCATION OF HAWAIIAN ANCESTRY *- Please read & sign statement beiow. Also. rf availabie, I p*ease sut*n< any documents/ proofs to verify Hawaiian ancestry (i.e Birth Cetrif»cate. Genealogy. Other) | • I am Hawanan (*") "A Hawaiian is "any descendant of indigenous people inhabrting the Hawaiian isiands whieh exercised sovereignty and subsisted in the Hawaiian islands prior to 1 778." ' 40.VOTER DECLARATION - Read and Sign Below | • I will be at least 1 8 years of age by September 2, 1 996 i • I desire to vote in the Native Hawaiian Vote and in elections administered by the Hawaiian Sovereignty Elections Council: 11. Witness Signature (A witness must sign only if applicant is unable to sign) Date I Address of Witness Phone Number of Witness

Hawaiian Sovereignty Elections Council Office Mabel Smyth Building, Second Floor Mon. - Fri. 8am - 5pm 1-800-958-6837; 808-587-2834 City & County of Honolulu Satellite City Halls - Ala Moana - Kailua - Kalihi-Palama - Kāne'ohe - Wahiawā - Wai'anae - Waipahu - Fort Street Mobile Locations - - Ewa Beach - Haleiwa - Hawai'i Kai - Kapolei - La'ie - Mililani - Nanakuii - Pearlridge - Salt Lake - Waimanalo Department of Hawaiian Homelands. lnformation & Community Relations Office 335 Merchant Street, Rm. 344 Honoluiu, Hawai'i 96813 Hawaii State Library System Statewide Branches Check your loeal branch. (Note: the video "To BuikJ a Nation: The Choice is Ours" is available for loan, also) Hoola Lahui Hawai'i (Lihu'e) Contact: Rebecca Sagum, 246-3511. Hui Malama Ola Na 'Olwi (Hilo) Contact: Everett Kinney, 969-9220 Hui No Ke Ola Pono (Wailuku) Contact: Mahealani Akau, 244-4647 Kamehameha Schools Alumni Association Contact your regional officer.

Pownloaā a registration form Visit our Home Page on the World Wide Web at http:// planet-hawaii.com/hsec. Follow the link to download a 1 registration form and register. You will need an Adobe Acrobat Reader, follow the link to download that software if you don't already have it. Then eome back to the HSEC page and download the form. Prin1 it out, fill it out and mail it. . . . 4 4

JJ|!i "Shall the Hawaiian people elect delegates to propose a Native Hawaiian government?" To participate in the Native Hawaiian Vote and make your vote count, REGISTER NOW.

Mailing: P.O. Box 3290, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96801-3290


in rerbun; u iu o. oert T ' ' f W AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAA aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaIaaaIa (808) 587-2834 ' ' 1 ¥ (808) 586-01 69 FAX 1-800-958-6837

;idnid, oeeunu riuur, nunuiuiu E-Mail: tiani@aloha.net World Wide Web: http mJ/p\ a net-ha wa i i .eo m/h sec