Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 5, 1 May 1996 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Read All About It! LEGENDS OF HAWAI I NEI . J7'/ Three books of traditional Hawaiian stories eompileel by renoumed . L folklore collector Mary Kawena Pūku'i and retold by noted storyteller / / Caroline Curtis. Suitable to be told or read to younger cbildren and / ; read independently by older children and adults. ;■ Hawai'i Island Legends: Pīkoi, Pele and Others — Illustrated / | by Don Robinson. Favorite long-ago folk tales of the archer hero — J Plkoi, the volcano goddess Pele and other gods, goddesses and / I people of the Big Island. Previously published as: Pikoi and Other I j | f, The Water of Kāne and Other Legends of the Hawaiian Islands / | mk | / (revised edition) — Illustrated by Oliver C. Kinney. The lore of /| | / 'Aukele, who stole the magical "water of Kāne" to revive his dead , i nephew and brothers, along with a host of other folktales from the / | ^ Tales of the Menehune (revised edition) — Illustrated by Robin I 1 iL i I Burningham. Legends about the little people of Hawaiian folklore who lived in the mountain forests and only eame down to the | j lowlands at night, the trickster demigod Māui and the volcano / \ ' I goddess Pele and other Hawaiian tales. $8.95 / For information, eall Kamehameha Schools Press at 842-8876. / |W// I j KAMEHAMEHA SCHOOLS BERNICE PAUAHI BlSHOP ESTATE / i

Ka Wai Ola 0 OHA OFFICE 0F HAWAIIAN AFFAIRS 711 Kapi'olani Blvd., Suite 500 Honolulu, Hawai'i 96813-5249