Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 5, 1 May 1996 — OHA is kept purposefully dysfunctional [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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OHA is kept purposefully dysfunctional

by Billie Beamer T rustee- At- Large Like the "'Elepaio"who pecks away AT TREE BOD1ES to sort out the trunks rotted by infestation, the probing of too few trustees have revealed an alarming incidence of rotten trustee irresponsibility. The benefici»ies should be disgusted. The need for change is urgent. BUT HOW 1S THIS TO BE DONE? Last month, there was hope. Out of

the noL a rare sprout of integrity struggled to emerge. AFTER BEING PUBL1CLY HUMILIATED BY HEE AT THE MARCH 14TH BOT MEETING, TRUSTEE FRENCHY DE SOTO ORCHESTRATED A DISPLACEMENT COUP OF OHA CHAIRMAN HEE. Brandishing her win at any cost swing vote, DeSoto called a meeting of Trustees Kamali'i, Keale, Akana and Beamer on March 25, 1996 to

announee that sne was ready to ask for the chair's resignation. lf not forthcoming, DeSoto would eall for a special meeting to rescind his appointment. DeSoto would not use her vote to support anyone but herself, so Trustees Keale, Akana and Beamer all stated unequivocally that none was interested in vying for the chairmanship she coveted. WE TRUSTED THE CHRONIC TURNCOAT. She asked Tmstee Kamali'i to accompany her to eaU for the chair's resignation. But, on Monday April Fool's Day, DeSoto met alone with the chair and Aiona to negotiate for herself. Kamali'i joined the team later. And, were we ever fooied when the two emerged, the trustees were royally betrayed. And for what? Despite the repetitive emotional verbalizing about working for our people or putting our house in order, "our people" will eonhnue to be victimized because our poker playing trustees care more for their personal kitties. Tmstee Aiona, a lesser Lord, blasted the takeover as bad for OHA's image. The tired old eop refuses to acknowledge his role in tarnishing an image he blatantly worsened in the past five years. So, DeSoto retumed to Hee's fold. And what did our Judas get? Certainly nothing for THE BENEFICIARIES SHE BETRAYED NOR ANY L1GHT FOR THE TRUSTING TRUSTEES SHE USED FOR HER OWN PURPOSES. WE CANNOT CONTINUE TO REPORT TO YOU

THE UNACC0UNTAB1LITY OF EXPENDITURES AND ABSENCE OF M AN AGEMENT SYSTEMS. LIKE 1T OR NOT, OHA IS KEPT PURPOSEFULLY DYSFUNCT!ONAL. ENOUGH PROBLEMS HAVE BEEN IDENTIFIED TO VERIFY ALARM. BUT, WHAT CAN A MINORITY BODY DO? Some legislators are part of the problem. All bills submitted to reclaim trustee administrative control taken away by the Legislature in 1990

were thwarted at third reading. Scuttling the bills were OHA's giveaway patron, Trustee Aiona, Representatives Arakaki, Amaral, Okamura, and Souki. Sen Aki succumbed to Senator McCartney who kept pontificating with convoluted justifications that the legislature did not want to interfere with OHA's authority. Then he turned around and offered a resolution for a band, including non-Hawaiians, to design OHA's future. What a strange perception of self determi-

nalion. Despite tlie overwhelming testimony for the bills, frotn Ka Lāhui members and FROM THOSE OF YOU ON OUR MAĪLING LĪST THAT HEE LOOTED, the self serving trustees prevailed. At least Representative Miehael Kahikina and Senator Graulty, outspoken champions, could readily see the tyranny shackling the minority. MAHALO! The cozy tmstee-legislative 'ohana reiationship may harbor conflicts of interest. Okamura is vice president of the Hawaiian Trust/Sales and Marketing Group. Hee and Aiona invested 34 million with Hawaiian Trast where thirty eight percent is invested for terms in excess of 15 years, a questionable giveaway to inflation and long term use. MUST WE WAIT FOR THE NOVEMBER ELECTTONS, TO EFFECT THE NEEDED CHANGES? UNFORTUNATELY, THE PRINCIPAL TAKERS WILL NOT BE UP FOR RE-ELECTION. HOWEVER, BECAUSE THE ATTEMPTED COUP WAS INITIATED BY ONE OF THE CHAIR'S OWN, THE CRUMBLING FEET OF CLAY(TON) MAY BE AN OMEN OF CHANGE. Your reactions and calls regarding the trustees' behavior shown on 'ŌIelo affirmed our frustration. Beneficiaries, p!ease send your suggestions as to how we may get these rogues to step down. Write me or eall 594-1872 or 594 1899.