Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 5, 1 Mei 1996 — OHA Board Business [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

OHA Board Business

Na Kuleana a ka Papa Kahu Waiwai

By Deborah Ward Acting Public Information OfTicer

April 18, 1996 The OHA Board of Trustees met at OHA's Honolulu office on Thursday, April 1 8. Trustees Hee, Aiona, Akaka, Beamer and Keale were present. Trustees Akana, DeSoto, Kamali'i and Kealoha were excused. After approval of the agenda, and the community concerns, the board proceeded to consider the following business matters: Kula Kaiapuni O Wai'anae ma Mākaha grant request The board approved, 5 ayes, a grant request by Kula Kaiapuni O Wai'anae ma Mākaha for $24,430 under the GSPD program to hire an educational assistant for its Hawaiian language immersion program at Nānākuli Elementary School. Wai'anae High School grant request The board approved, 5 ayes, a grant request by Wai'anae High School for $12,110 under the GSPD program to hire two teaching assistants to assist the only Hawaiian language teacher at the school. OHA Grants formula The board approved, 5 ayes, the reallocation of the distribution formula for the Grants, Subsidies, Purchase of Services and Donations (GSPD) program, through June 30, 1996, to 60 percent grants, 30 percent purchase of services and subsidies, and 10 percent donations and emergency grants, subsidies and purchase of services. This action combines the formerly separate donations and emergency grants categories, and means an additional $150,000 is available for donations and emergency grant awards. DHHL Kalama'ulafacility The board approved. 5 ayes, in concept. three site plan drawings for a proposed Hawaiian agencies consolidated services center at Kalama'ula, Moloka'i. The building would house: DHHL, OHA, Queen Lili'uokalani Children's Center, Alu Like and Queen Emma Foundation. The board deferred the following matters, pending further review: payment to Mitsunaga & Associates, Ine. for engineering services; contractual services to review and update existing policies relating to OHA employee and other procedural manuals; and delegation by the Board of Trustees of its chief procurement authority to the OHA administrator for goods, services and construction not to exceed $10,000. The meeting concluded following approval of the minutes, and acceptance of the chairman's and administrator's reports.