Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 5, 1 Mei 1996 — Major OHA revenues affected by proposed legislation [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Major OHA revenues affected by proposed legislation

SB 1698 HD 3 would completely eliminate these revenues from the amounts paid annually to OHA. OHA received a total of $15,121,387 from the ceded lands trust last year; the elimination of airports and harbor revenues ($1 1,852,618) plus other smaller ceded lands revenue would represent an 80 percent reduction in moneys received by OHA. Source: Department of Budget and Finance

Department/Program FY 1995 revenues FY 1995 20% payment to OHA Department of Transportation •Airports Landing fees $24,019.446 $4,803,889 Terminal Rent $3,373,215 $674,643 Ground rent $2.941,635 $588,327 Concession revenues $6,954,235 $1,390,847 •Harbors $21,974,560 $4,394,912 Total $59,263,091 $11,852,618