Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 5, 1 Mei 1996 — Bamboo conference coming to UH-Hilo [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Bamboo conference coming to UH-Hilo

Bamboo is described as a plant of a thousand uses and has been a part of the history and cultural fabric of eastem civilization for years. Proponents beheve the time has eome to recognize the potential and value of this versatile plant. Recognizing this, the University of Hawai'i at Hilo will be hosting Hawai'i's first Bamboo Conference and Trade Show this month (May 2426) at the university conference center. The conference, whieh is supported in part by the

Office of Hawaiian Affairs, wil! bring together intemationally recognized bamboo experts from Asia and North and South Ameiiea who share a eommon interest in the recognition and development of bamboo. It will offer opportunities for native Hawaiians interested in growing and marketing bamboo. Researchers, architects, educators, and manufacturers ean share information on innovations in the technology, building and growing of bamboo.

Presentations, demonstrations and "handson" participatory workshops will be offered. Conference topics will include: • Bamboo farming practices • Bamboo culturai ecology • Bamboo architecture and building • Bamboo as a landscape element • Economics and viability of bamboo • Construction techniques For more information eall (808) 933-3555, fax (808) 933-3684 or e-mail to foxgolds@hawaii.edu. The Office of Hawaiian Affairs is offering scholarships to Havvaiians to cover conference registration fees only. Eligible appiicants must be able to show proof of Hawaiian ancestry. The deadline was April 15, 1996, however, applications are still being accepted. Call 594-1752.