Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 5, 1 Mei 1996 — Our Readers Write [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Our Readers Write

Historic court ruling

"Ceded lands sales on hold" headlining this morning's paper (3/4/96) brought pure eestasy to me and my family and many other Hawaiian mākau throughout our Hawai'i nei. To watch the evening news and see the many happy faces who represented the Hawaiians and OHA after the court decision brought tears to my eyes. I could not help but raise my right fist into the air in triumph. This is the second time ina month I have made this unHawaiian gesture. The first to our eouneilmen over Kuapā and now this. Us makules (73 years old) usually only shut up, watch TV and namunamu. The gesture I performed after so many years of frustration is pure haole and not aloha Hawai'i. E kala mai ia'u. Mahalo nui loa to you all for working for our benefit. To Judge Daniel Heely: a plaee is waiting for you in heaven. My eye no ean see good but I was looking for others in that historical TV gathering outside the court. Were any Bishop Estate representatives there? Was Kali Watson and his hui present in sup-

port of this important ruling? How about the other Hawaiian groups? Real refreshing yeah, to see OHA representatives speaking up on TV to support Bishop Estate "no steal my land" pilikia. I say everybody gotta eome together for our Hawaiian causes. Sometimes, I wish I was younger, I like hold up the signs properly too. Charles Kamanu Kailua